- python -m venv venv
- source venv/bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- export FLASK_APP=run
- export FLASK_ENV=development
- flask db migrate
- flask db upgrade
- flask run
App should be running at
The api was implemented with swagger ui documentation. You can play arround with API throguh the interactive documentation or consume the api any other way.
The jwt must be included in the requests header as:
"Authentication: $ACCESS_TOKEN"
curl -H "Authorization: $ACCESS_TOKEN"
- POST /auth/signin - logs in the user and retrieves the jwt access token.
- POST /auth/signup - creates new user.
- GET /auth/token_check - checks if access token is still valid.
- GET /auth/user - fetches all registered users.
All cookbook endpoints require a valid jwt.
- GET /cookbook/detailed_recipes/ - Retrieves detailed recipe list with all it's informations and ingredients.
- PUT /cookbook/ingredients/ - Creates new ingredient entry
- GET /cookbook/ingredients/ - Retrieves all available ingredients
- DELETE /cookbook/ingredients/{id} - Deletes an ingredient by given id
- GET /cookbook/measurement_units/ - Retrieves all available measurement units
- PUT /cookbook/recipes/ - Creates new recipe entry
- GET /cookbook/recipes/ - Retrieves recipes without the ingredients
- GET /cookbook/recipes/{id} - Retrieves a recipe entry by given id
- DELETE /cookbook/recipes/{id} - Deletes a recipe entry
- get rid of marshamallow and Flask-Restplus models mix.
- implement recipes filtering
- refactor the code