Tenant Talk is a MERN stack web application that allows users to create and read reviews of rental properties. It utilises the Google Places API for location search, Cloudinary for image storage, and both Tailwind and HeadlessUI for the project UI. It is fully responsive, so feel free to try it out on your mobile!
You can view and interact with the project here.
- Navigate to sign up and create an account
- View existing property reviews, or search for one using the search bar on the home page or top navigation bar
- Select the review to see the average ratings for a variety of criteria
- View each individual review and it's specific ratings
- Create your own review!
- Signup / Login with password criteria and validation
- User account management
- Address search functionality utilising Google Places API
- View and Create property reviews (overall property scores and individual reviews)
- Add image to a property review
Click here to read about the project and how it came to life.
Tenant Talk was a final engineering project as part of Makers Academy.
Huge thanks go to the rest of the dream team: Abigail Makovsky, Dora Gores, Joel Powell and Miranda Weston.