A easy to use api client that combines the power of Retrofit, Realm, Gson, Rxjava and Retrolambda in a library for Java and Android
#####Add to build.gradle
compile 'io.fabianterhorst:apiclient:0.4'
compile 'io.fabianterhorst:apiclient-accountmanager:0.1'
compile 'io.fabianterhorst:apiclient-components:0.1'
####First Step
Create your Api Class
public class Twitter extends ApiClient<TwitterApi> implements TwitterApi {
public Twitter(Realm realm, String apiKey) {
super(realm, TwitterApi.PARAM_API_KEY, apiKey, TwitterApi.class, TwitterApi.END_POINT);
public static void init(String apiKey) {
init(new Twitter(apiKey));
public Observable<List<Character>> getTweets() {
//Here you can define the tablename for realm and the fieldname if needed to sort the tweets with
return getApiObservable(getApi().getTweets(), Tweet.class, "name");
public Observable<List<Character>> getComments(ArrayList<Integer> ids) {
//You can also get results only for specific ids
return getApiObservable(getApi().getComments(), Comment.class, "id", ids);
####Second Step
Create your Api Interface (The Retrofit way)
public interface TwitterApi {
Observable<List<Tweet>> getTweets();
Observable<List<Tweet>> getComments(@Query("id") ArrayList<Integer> ids);
####Third Step
Initiate the Singleton in the Application onCreate
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
RealmConfiguration config = new RealmConfiguration.Builder(this)
####Fourth Step
Use it and have fun. The library is handling the saving, the loading and the refreshing for you.
Twitter twitter = Twitter.getInstance();
twitter.getTweets().subscribe(tweets-> System.out.println(tweets));
#####How to handle Android Activity lifecycle
You can use the ApiClient component module to get access to RxActivity and RxFragment
In your Activity you have to get the Singleton with the Activity lifecycle. Your activity has to extend RxActivity.
Twitter twitter = Twitter.getInstance(bindToLifecycle());
And thats everythink you have to do to prevent memory leaks.
#####RealmList doesn´t support null objects. How can i ignore null object inside the response json?
You can override the gson builder inside your api class and add custom deserializer adapters to avoid adding null objects.
public GsonBuilder getGsonBuilder(GsonBuilder gsonBuilder) {
GsonUtils.registerRemoveNullListSerializer(gsonBuilder, new TypeToken<RealmList<MyFirstObject>>() {}, MyFirstObject.class);
GsonUtils.registerRemoveNullListSerializer(gsonBuilder, new TypeToken<RealmList<MySecondObject>>() {}, MySecondObject.class);
GsonUtils.registerRemoveNullListSerializer(gsonBuilder, new TypeToken<RealmList<MyThirdObject>>() {}, MyThirdObject.class);
return gsonBuilder;
#####How to change the api key from everywhere?
You can use the setApiKey
#####How to add other query parameters?
You can override the getHttpUrlBuilder(HttpUrl.Builder builder)
method from the api client.
public HttpUrl.Builder getHttpUrlBuilder(HttpUrl.Builder builder) {
return addQueryParameter("lang", Locale.getDefault().getLanguage());
#####How to use a authentication
The easiest way is to use the AuthUtils to add a authentication via the request builder for post parameters and headers or the http url builder for query parameter
public Request.Builder getRequestBuilder(Request.Builder builder) {
return AuthUtils.addDefaultAuthentication(builder, getApiKey());
public HttpUrl.Builder getHttpUrlBuilder(HttpUrl.Builder builder) {
AuthUtils.addDefaultAuthentication(builder, "apiKey", getApiKey());
return builder.addQueryParameter("lang", Locale.getDefault().getLanguage());
Copyright 2016 Fabian Terhorst
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.