This is a kaggle project named Bengali Handwritten Digit Recognition
Pipeline :
All train images (augmented and raw images) are appended in X_train after processing and all the labels for the train
(augmented and raw images) images are stored in the y_train.
All the images are resized first to 28x28 pixel , then the images are blurred and then de-blurred to remove background
noises then again the images are filtered to remove noise further and lastly the images are converted in binary image.
Then I augment the images to increase the train set , the augmentation that is used is random rotation , shearing, ZCA whitening,
blur, width shit, height shift and width-height shift(together) . These augmentation is implemented in every image of the train
dataset , so datasets are multiplied by 7 times.
I used a CNN model in which there are 10 CNN layer and a max pooling layer after every two layers followed by 3 fully connected layers
and the output layer .
All the images are in the following directory follow the exact dataset structure of the dataset of "numtaDB"
- G:/Numta_Workshop/Numta_Workshop/
- Keras
- Tensorflow
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Opencv(cv2)
- Pandas