This repo helps you understand how firebase service is setup for unity, and use it.
We have a MMO game, where players enter daily, create an item and share it with other players online, the others can view the list of items. Also delete them, because why not, its a brutal world.
- Firebase Auth, for user authentication and profiles.
- Firebase Realtime Database, to store item information.
- Firebase Storage, to retreive asset bundle and load gameobject from it.
- Unity Engine 2021.3.0f1, you can download it from here.
- Firebase Unity SDK 9.4.0, you can download it from here.
- Open firebase console, click on Add Project.
- Name your project, click next, we dont need analytics for this demo, just disable and click on Create.
- Click Project Overview on left panel, and select unity, from the home screen to create unity project.
- For this demo,i will just use android, uncheck Register Apple App, select Android App and provide app bundle id and name, click Register.
- On the left panel, under click Builds->Realtime Database, on the right panel, click create database.
- Select your preferred region, then select start on test mode.
- Now once database is setup, you will notice menus at top
Data, Rules, Backups, Usage
, select Rules, and change the rules to just accept anyone to write and read for this demo, you must change this rules later.
"rules": {
".read": "true", // change to true
".write": "true", // change to true
- On the left panel, under click Builds->Storage, on the right panel, click create storage.
- Select your preferred region, then select start on test mode.
- Now once storage is setup, you will notice menus at top
Data, Rules, Backups, Usage
, select Rules, and change the rules to just accept anyone to write and read for this demo, you must change this rules later.
rules_version = '2';
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if true;//change it always return true
- On the left panel, under click Builds->Authentication, on the right panel, click create storage.
- Under Providers Select Email/Password and click next, again enable Email/Password and click save under Sign-in Providers.
Thats it!.
- You will get this error, just click on Ignore.
- Just Opening this project will throw loads of Error!!, but dont worry all these errors are basically due to missing firebase-unity-sdk
- download the sdk from above link and unzip, them we basically need only 3 packages from dotnet4 folder.
- FirebaseAuth.unitypackage
- FirebaseDatabase.unitypackage
- FirebaseStorage.unitypackage Import them all one by one. Once you are done, clear the console, atleast now there shouldn't be any errors.
- Make sure the scripting order, is intact, as its intended by me, i am making sure firebasecontroller is loaded first, you can change this any case as you wish.
- Open SampleScene, click on LoadAssetBundle Gameobject, make sure the scrip it is referenced, if not just add the missing script, this fix Load bundle issue.
- Download the
which you can find under project settings of your firebase console and put it underStreamingAssets
folder in unity.
- In order to use firebase database service, we need to make one more small change, open the downloadeded
and add"firebase-url"
and save, close, dont edit other details as it will be already updated.
"project_info": {
"project_number": "your project number from setting",
"firebase_url": "your project databse link from realtime database page",
"project_id": "your project id from setting",
"storage_bucket": "your project storage link from storage page"
DONE!!!!! this was just the setup, try the game, read through the code, and explore yourself to understand things, there is no better teacher than yourself!.
- Learn more about creating asset bundles, from my UnityAssetBundle Repo.
- Read more about firebase, check out their documentation for unity.