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IBM Hackathon 2020

Climate change; This fact is already impacting our world today and ourimplementation of IBM's Visual Recognition through Watson helps us mitigate thisissue. For us to better the world starting today, we need to begin from every level ofaction that reduces the impact we have on our environment.We begin at the lowest level of impact which is our personal ecological footprint andthis starts at our daily habits. I've done it and maybe you as-well which is throwingsomething into recycling but being unsure if it was even recyclable in the first place. Thetruth is, "...if people aren't sure whether something can be recycled, they toss it in thebin anyway, an act called 'wish-cycling.' It's gotten so bad that the industry says anaverage of 25 percent of 'recycling' is actually trash" (CBS News, 2019) and even lead tosome "cities to abandon their recycling programs" (NYTimes, 2019). Mis-sorting ourtrash causes more work for cities which means more human effort needed whichincreases the overall carbon footprint of recycling.

This is where our solution solves thisissue. Litless, which stands for littering -less is our solution to this problem.Applying IBM's Watson Visual Recognition API we can recognize an item if it shouldbelong in the garbage, compost or recycling which we base on the area since not everyregion can recycle the same items. What is amazing about Litless is that it is just thebeginning. Machine learning grows and becomes more accurate the more data we give ithence through the user we can refine the model to be better suited for recyclingapplications, even to a point where this refined model could automate the process ofsorting through recycling in recycling centers. The applications of this trained model arelimitless, from garbage seeking-drones for ocean clean-up to smart trash cans that cansort itself. Hence, creating a more sustainable and better way to sort through ourgarbage all over the world.

Project Title : Litless

Team members: Aldwin Umali, Cindy Wang, Quazi Rafid Ibrahim

Powered by IBM Watson Visual Recognition API.

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Link: (Won't be fully functional as our project depends on uploading files from client side)

Keep calm and keep Earth calm.


For development, you will only need Node.js installed in your environement.


  • Node installation on Windows

    Just go on official Node.js website and download the installer. Also, be sure to have git available in your PATH, npm might need it (You can find git here).

  • Node installation on Ubuntu

    You can install nodejs and npm easily with apt install, just run the following commands.

    $ sudo apt install nodejs
    $ sudo apt install npm
  • Other Operating Systems

    You can find more information about the installation on the official Node.js website and the official NPM website.

If the installation was successful, you should be able to run the following command.

$ node --version

$ npm --version

If you need to update npm, you can make it using npm! Cool right? After running the following command, just open again the command line and be happy.

$ npm install npm -g

Running the project

After installing node, this project just run the following command.

$ npm start


IBM Hackathon 2020







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