ISS_CodeIgniter is a project developed with CodeIgniter 3.1.6 and JSON, using the Open Notify, integrating the framework Bootstrap 3.37 for HTML, CSS, JS.
In the file config.php the directive was changed $config['base_url'] = ''; by $config['base_url'] ='http://localhost/ISS_CodeIgniter';
$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/ISS_CodeIgniter';
This folder contains the Bootstrap framework (brand, css, flash, fonts, img, js), just unzip the package from the official Bootstrap site inside the folder assets
This file contains variables that must be initialized, such as $llaveGoogle, this must have the key generated by google for the use of the google maps API.
/** aca devbes colocar tu llave generada por google para el map **/
$llaveGoogle is used in the script
<script async defer
src="<?= $llaveGoogle; ?> &callback=initMap">