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Christoph Wille edited this page May 19, 2014 · 2 revisions


Before going deep into installation, a word on what can and should be customized.

The Home Page - /Views/Home/Index.cshtml

We intentionally did not include a CMS or such - simply edit this file to your hearts content. Same goes for About and Contact. It is your site.

Site Title and More Configuration

Configuration happens via appSettings in web.config. You will find site title, mail settings, and one setting that might not be too obvious although it has a long name: FillEmptyTranslationsWithOriginalValues.

This defines how translated resource files are built: either only with valid translations, or padded with original values when translations are missing.

Background: SharpDevelop can fall back to original values automatically, thus cutting down on disk space on translated resource files. Most applications don't have such a system in place!

Installation on Microsoft Azure

The standard test environment of the team is on Microsoft Azure. You will need the following assets to get started:

  • One Azure Web Site
  • One SQL Database
  • One Storage account (for the WebJob)

Provision a resource group for a Web Site with SQL Database, as well as the storage account. You will need to

  1. Grab the source code (/src) folder, and deploy the Web project to your Azure Web Site
  2. Take the sqldb_azure.sql (/setup folder), and deploy it to the SQL Database.
  3. Take the demo_createadminuser.sql (/setup folder), and run it on the SQL Database. (change the password after initial login!)
  4. In the management portal, specify the connection strings and the appSettings from web.config (do not modify web.config directly!)
  5. Configure the WebJob. You need to build ResourcesFirstTranslations.Sync, zip the contents of the output folder (make sure to not include the vshost.exe) and upload it to the portal. Scheduled, triggered - your choice.


The RftContext Connection String

When entering an Entity Framework connection string in the Azure management portal, it has to be of special format. First, make sure to configure the provider to Custom. Secondly, switch the " Strings to ".

Local Installation

A local installation has about the same requirements, but you need IIS, a local SQL Server and the ability to run the sync job on a schedule. Speaking of the sync job: please go into Program.cs and comment the #define line at the top - you need a non-WebJob built version of this application.

Make sure to pick sqldb_local.sql (/setup folder), and in contrast to Azure Web Sites, you will have to specify your configuration in web.config. This extends to the app.config of the sync job, because in contrast to Azure, the settings do not apply to both the site and the sync job. You do not need the Azure* connectionStrings though.