Tutorial pembuatan todo web app menggunakan MEAN (Mongo DB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS) Stack.
- Node.js - Download and Install Node.js. You can also follow this gist for a quick and easy way to install Node.js and npm
- MongoDB - Download and Install MongoDB - Make sure
is running on the default port (27017).
- NPM - Node.js package manage; should be installed when you install node.js.
- Bower - Web package manager. Installing Bower is simple when you have
$ npm install -g bower
- Grunt - Download and Install Grunt.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
- Express - Defined as npm module in the package.json file.
- Mongoose - Defined as npm module in the package.json file.
- Passport - Defined as npm module in the package.json file.
- AngularJS - Defined as bower module in the bower.json file.
- Twitter Bootstrap - Defined as bower module in the bower.json file.
- UI Bootstrap - Defined as bower module in the bower.json file.
The quickest way to get started with MEAN is to install the meanio
package from NPM.
Install MEAN CLI:
$ [sudo] npm install -g meanio@latest
$ mean init todoApp
$ cd todoApp && npm install
We recommend using Grunt to start the server:
$ grunt
If grunt aborts because of JSHINT errors, these can be overridden with the force
$ grunt -f
Alternatively, when not using grunt
you can run:
$ node server
Then, open a browser and go to:
Do following command in your terminal
mean package todos
You will get the following custom packages
|_ packages
|_ custom
|_ todos
|_ public
|_ assets
|_ controllers
|_ directives
|_ routes
|_ services
|_ views
|__ todos.js
|_ server
|_ config
|_ controllers
|_ models
|_ routes
|_ views
|__ app.js
In file packages > custom > todos > app.js, remove the roles authenticated so that we can access the todo routes without login
roles: ['authenticated'],
Then in add a controller and model in the server. You may test the server using POSTMAN, to get all todos, or add new todo
Male a controller, services, and fix the roues of the public folder. Don't forget to change the app.js to the same route of client.