- Node app + webpack (dist/starterkit.js)
- Test suite with mocha/chai/sinon
- Code coverage generated with istanbul
- TravisCI config
- ESLint config
- JSDoc config
- Build & publish npm-scripts
- README.md with badges
- scripts/
- changelog.js - generates changes since last tag
- version.js - update and tags current version
> mkdir my-project
> cd my-project
> npm init
> npm install -g starterkit
> starterkit-install
> npm install
- Add GITHUB_API_KEY - GitHub / Profile / Settings / Developer Settings / Personal Access Tokens (select public_repo)
- Add NPM_API_KEY - authToken from ~/.npmrc
- Add NPM_EMAIL - your email
- Select Auto cancel branch builds
- gh-pages
- https://travis-ci.org - to test branches continuously
- https://codecov.io - to report test coverage
- https://snyk.io - to check vulnerabilities in your code and dependencies
- https://www.codacy.com - for automatic code checks ** Add Codacy badge to README.md
- https://greenkeeper.io - to keep dependencies up to date
- eslint - runs linting with esliint
- doc - generates documentation in docs/code
- build - creates browser build
- test - runs tests
- coverage - generates test coverage report
- codecov - publishes coverage report (part of travisCI config, see .travis.yml)
- version - releases new version (runs tests, generates changelog, builds the project, adds changes to git and tags it)