This project will be archived as a record of Layton et al 2018 work on Chromodoris exon capture. New version of this pipeline available in agalmacap.
Use transcriptomes and a related reference genome to create bait sequences to enrich your favorite genes with sequence capture.
python3 /Path/2/ --param parameters.txt
Python3 libraries:
- biopython (1.70)
- matplotlib (2.0.2)
- matplotlib-venn (0.11.5)
- blast
- exonerate
- Parameter file. Place all the values before the '#' Paths must be full paths.
- Assembled transcriptomes in a folder
- Refseq genome files in a folder. The genomic.fna and cds_from_genomic.fna files are required. Download via FTP from here: Example:
curl -O
curl -O
- Target sequence file(s). See example in TestTargets folder. This is the set of genes in fasta format that you would like to target for exon capture. Can be genes from any organism close to the transcriptomes or reference genome. Can also be multiple organisms. The top blast result is used wiht duplicates removed so several orthologs of the same gene should be fine.
NEED TO UPDATE WHEN DONE WITH NEW VERSION Walkthrough of bait design from Agalma output.
Make sure to set the number of threads and folder location in
Directories starting with a number are the steps taken to get to the final baitset file that was sent to MycroArray for bait design and synthesis. Each of these directories has an outfolder which is the input for the next step.
Detailed descriptions:
1- Single copy orthologous protein coding phylogenetically informative genes were identified using the Agalma pipeline. The pipeline was run twice. Nudis2AA was run with the defaults (AA search) on all of the Nudibranch transcriptomes. CDSFast5 was run on a smaller subset using DNA data. The Teasdale 500 are the genes used in the Teasdale etal 2016 study. These genes were also targeted in this study.
2- To standardize across the different target sets and to find intron boundaries in our transcriptome data, we used Aplysia californica as a reference genome. Each gene from each target was blasted to the Aply genome and if there was a hit '<'e-20, the Aply protein accession for that gene was saved in a list text file.
3- A venn diagram of the 3 target sets was created. From this point forward the target sets were combined to a single file. The fasta file of the Aply sequences was created.
4- Exonerate was used to identify the introns in the Aplysia target genes. Exonerate was run on multiple cores using GNU Parallel. The exonerate query sequence was the aply_targets and the exonerate target file was the Aplysia genome. The custom --ryo format was then parsed in the next step.
5- The exonerate output was parsed by Takes the aply target genes and cuts them at the intron boundaries into exons. Exons shorter than 200bp were filtered and thrown out. The sequences in the fasta file were named '>'AplyProteinID_exonNumber actagcagEXONSEQUENCEactgcatgc
6- Each exon of the Aplysia targets was used as a target sequence in exonerate. The queries were the Chromodoris transcriptomes. This pulled out the exons of the genes that we want to target in our exon capture experiment. The 'ryo' format was modified slightly and the output is a fasta file, not a text file.
7- At this point we would like to make exon alignments of the Chromodoris spp. to see if the exons are informative at the 'genus level'. The previous step does not pull out every exon for BOTH transcriptomes due to the fact that the query(Aplysia) is too distant from the transcriptome query. Additionally, exonerate sometimes pulls out several hits for each target per transcriptome. The script picks the single best sequence for each exon target from all of the exonerate hits from both transcriptomes. This 'best' hit was blasted to the reciprocal transcriptome to then make exon alignments. A hit was assigned as 'best' based on the exonerate score and length. Hits that are longer than expected were removed.
8- The 'best' hit of one sp. was blasted to the other sp. transcriptome (reciprocal blast). The format for this discontigous megablast was a csv with the sequence and percent identity. A file with all of the exon names was created to find out what which exons did not have a reciprocal blast hit. These exons are called singletons.
9- This script will take the results from the reciprical blast and filters the results based on the percent identity of the blast hit. It outputs some summary statistics and sequence files for the exons that passed the filters. Blast results that were identical were filtered because they are not informative between Chr spp. Additionally if the blast results were <92_percent identical they were not included because they are probably paralogs.
10- Ktar (Kara Targets) is the sequence file that was used for bait synthesis. (Add DeNovo assembly check????). Some summary statistics and lists of the exons and genes targeted were generated.