Daphile (Squeezebox) control with arduino and LCD
##Important note I'm arduino newbee, so excuse my errors...
This sketch uses 40x4 LCD so special library is used - check tribute to... It can easily be replaced with standard LiquidCrystal lbrary.
Squeezebox returns text encoded in UTF8.
##Todo Possibly switch to https://github.com/Swap-File/tron-suit/tree/master/Helmet/Software/Libraries/LiquidCrystalFast
Add buttons for simple control (play/pause/next/previous/vol up|dn)
Improve UTF8 decoding
Add special LCD icons for play/pause/stop and repeat none|song|playlist
##Tribute to http://www.daphile.com/ Marvelous linux squeezebox player
https://github.com/Logitech for squeezebox stuff
https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=340250.0 pattdepanick whose base I used for my code (hope it's OK :)
https://code.google.com/archive/p/liquidcrystal440/ for liquidcrystal440 library