Estimate Gaps Under an Intervention
Provides functions to estimate gap-closing estimands: the disparities across categories (e.g. Black and white) that persists if a treatment variable (e.g. college) is equalized. The purpose is to estimate the average outcomes that units would realize if exposed to a counterfactual treatment assignment rule.
The package will enable the user to:
- Estimate treatment and outcome prediction functions with Generalized Linear Models, Generalized Additive Models, ridge regression, or random forest
- Combine those in doubly-robust estimators of gap-closing estimands
- Produce confidence intervals by the bootstrap
- Visualize the result in plots
Install from CRAN with one line: install.packages("gapclosing")
To install the latest development version,
- First, install the
package:if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
- Then, install the
package with the commanddevtools::install_github("ilundberg/gapclosing")
To get started, see the vignette. Also see the working paper for which this package is the software implementation.
Lundberg, Ian. Forthcoming. "The gap-closing estimand: A causal approach to study interventions that close disparities across social categories." Sociological Methods and Research. Draft available at