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OAuth Apps plugin for Payload CMS


This project is no longer maintained.

Software License Issues NPM


  • Ability to create multiple OAuth Apps with individual client credentials
  • Better session flow using revokable longer-lived refresh tokens
  • Session management on User collections with ability to revoke active sessions
  • Passwordless authentication using One-time password (OTP) or Magiclink
  • Automatically adds registered OAuth apps to CSRF and CORS config in Payload


npm install @imcorfitz/payload-plugin-oauth-apps
# or
yarn add @imcorfitz/payload-plugin-oauth-apps


  • Payload ^2.0.0
  • serverURL is required in your payload.config.ts file


Setup plugin

// payload.config.ts
import { oAuthApps } from "@imcorfitz/payload-plugin-oauth-apps";

export default buildConfig({
  // ... Payload Config
  plugins: [
    // ... other plugins
      userCollections: [Users.slug],


  • userCollections: string[] | required

    An array of collections slugs to enable OAuth Sessions. Enabled collections receive an OAuth group with a sessions array, listing all currently active sessions.

  • access: object | optional

    Allows you to configure field-level access control on the fields in the OAuth group on configured user collections.

    • sessions: object | optional
      • read: FieldAccess | optional
      • create: FieldAccess | optional
      • update: FieldAccess | optional
  • authorization: object | optional

    Configure how OAuth Apps authorize users and initialize new sessions.

    • customHandlers: {<custom_method>: EndpointHandler} | optional
    • otpExpiration: number | optional
    • generateOTP: method | optional
    • generateEmailVariables: method | optional

    When using otp and authorization method, you can set the expiration (otpExpiration - defaults to 10 minutes) and customise how you want the one-time password to be generated (generateOTP - defaults to generating a 6-digit number).

    Both magiclink and otp allows you to set the generateEmailVariables method to customise the email variables available in the OAuth App settings. In both method you will have access to following properties:

    • req: PayloadRequest
    • variables: An object containing a magiclink and token, or an OTP, depending on the method
    • user: Information about the user to be authenticated
    • client: Details about the OAuth App making the auth request

    Note: customHandlers should be set if you wish to create your own method and allows you to perform the entire authentication flow yourself. Note that the plugin does expose the generateAccessToken and generateRefreshToken methods, however this goes beyond the scope of this documentation, and should be used in advanced cases only.

  • sessions: object | optional

    Configuration of the sessions created.

    • limit: number | optional
    • ipinfoApiKey: string | optional
    • fetchLocationInfo: method | optional
    • refreshTokenExpiration: number | optional

    Allows you set a limit of number of sessions per user. If not set, users are free to create unlimited sessions (not adviced). When set, oldest session will be removed when limit has been reached and a new session is initialised.

    By default all refresh tokens have a lifespan of 30 days. You can override this by passing refreshTokenExpiration with the amount of seconds a refresh token should be valid for.

    The plugin uses IPInfo to fetch location information whenever a session is created. To use this, simply set your own ipinfoApiKey. (Please note, that it doesn't work on localhost). If you wish to use an alternative location detection service, feel free to use the fetchLocationInfo method which gives you following properties:

    • req: PayloadRequest
    • ip: The detected IP address | possibly undefined

Add OAuth Manager

Add the oAuthManager field to your admin user collection. This determines which users have access to manage OAuth Apps in Payload CMS.

// collections/admins.ts
import { oAuthManager } from "@imcorfitz/payload-plugin-oauth-apps";

const Admins: CollectionConfig = {
  slug: "admins",
  auth: true,
  // ... Collection config
  fields: [
    // ... Other fields
      // NOTE: You can pass Checkbox field properties here to override all field properties except for: name, label and type.
      access: {
        update: isAdminFieldLevel,
      admin: {
        readOnly: false,

OAuth REST API endpoints

  • [POST] oauth/authorize:

    Used by OAuth apps to log in users. Upon sucessful login, the response will contain an access token and a refresh token. By passing method as part of the body, you can tell Payload CMS how you wish to authenticate the user. The plugin support credentials, otp, and magiclink out of the box.

    Note: Don't ever expose your client id or client secret to the client. These operations should always be made securely from server-side.

    Parameter Description
    email required The email address of the user to be logged in
    clientId required The client id of the OAuth App performing the operation
    clientSecret required The client secret of the OAuth App performing the operation
    method 'credentials' | 'otp' | 'magiclink' | <custom_method>. The default method is 'credentials'
    password The password of the user to be logged in. NB: required if authorization.method is set to 'credentials'
    // Request
    const response = await fetch(`https://my.payloadcms.tld/<user-collection>/oauth/authorize`, {
      method: 'POST',
      body: JSON.stringify({
        method: "credentials",
        email: "[email protected]",
        password: "very-safe-password-1234",
        clientId: "CID_s3o8y384y5...",
        clientSecret: "CS_skijorintg..."
    // Successful Response
      "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1N...XMnxpb1NTK9K0",
      "accessExpiration": 3600,
      "refreshToken": "43d5cc1ee66ac880...94b8f2df",
      "refreshExpiration": 2592000
  • [POST] oauth/refresh-token:

    Used by OAuth apps to request a new access token using their issued refresh token. Upon sucessful login, the response will contain an access token and a refresh token.

    Note: Don't ever expose your client id or client secret to the client. These operations should always be made securely from server-side.

    Parameter Description
    refreshToken required The refresh token issued at authorization
    clientId required The client id of the OAuth App performing the operation
    clientSecret required The client secret of the OAuth App performing the operation
    // Request
    const response = await fetch(`https://my.payloadcms.tld/<user-collection>/oauth/refresh-token`, {
      method: 'POST',
      body: JSON.stringify({
        refreshToken: "43d5cc1ee66ac880...94b8f2df",
        clientId: "CID_s3o8y384y5...",
        clientSecret: "CS_skijorintg..."
    // Successful Response
      "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUAhd7...XMnxpVbUoAyhI",
      "accessExpiration": 3600,
  • [POST] oauth/verify-otp:

    When method is set to 'otp', the user will receive an email with a one-time password. Use this endpoint to finalize the authentication process and receive an access and refresh token.

    Note: Don't ever expose your client id or client secret to the client. These operations should always be made securely from server-side.

    Parameter Description
    email required The email address of the user to be logged in
    otp required The one-time password received by the user by email
    clientId required The client id of the OAuth App performing the operation
    clientSecret required The client secret of the OAuth App performing the operation
    // Request
    const response = await fetch(`https://my.payloadcms.tld/<user-collection>/oauth/verify-otp`, {
      method: 'POST',
      body: JSON.stringify({
        email: "[email protected]",
        otp: "123456",
        clientId: "CID_s3o8y384y5...",
        clientSecret: "CS_skijorintg..."
    // Successful Response
      "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1N...XMnxpb1NTK9K0",
      "accessExpiration": 3600,
      "refreshToken": "43d5cc1ee66ac880...94b8f2df",
      "refreshExpiration": 2592000
  • [GET] oauth/verify-magiclink:

    When method is set to 'magiclink', the user will receive an email with a link. The link is directing the user to this endpoint by default (if not overridden in OAuth App settings). When validated, the user will be redirected to the callbackUrl registered for the OAuth App.

    Query Parameter Description
    token required The token received by the user by email
  • [POST] oauth/verify-magiclink:

    Same endpoint can also be used by an OAuth app to post the user's token for validation. Same process applies, but instead of a redirect, the call will output a JSON object with the status of the validation.

    Parameter Description
    token required The token received by the user by email
  • [POST] oauth/verify-code:

    When method is set to 'magiclink' and the user has clicked the link they've received calling this endpoint with the code received at the authentication call, this endpoint will verify your code and finalize the authentication process and issue an access and refresh token.

    Note: Don't ever expose your client id or client secret to the client. These operations should always be made securely from server-side.

    Parameter Description
    email required The email address of the user to be logged in
    code required The code received during authentication call
    clientId required The client id of the OAuth App performing the operation
    clientSecret required The client secret of the OAuth App performing the operation
    // Request
    const response = await fetch(`https://my.payloadcms.tld/<user-collection>/oauth/verify-code`, {
      method: 'POST',
      body: JSON.stringify({
        email: "[email protected]",
        code: "AbCdEf123456",
        clientId: "CID_s3o8y384y5...",
        clientSecret: "CS_skijorintg..."
    // Successful Response
      "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1N...XMnxpb1NTK9K0",
      "accessExpiration": 3600,
      "refreshToken": "43d5cc1ee66ac880...94b8f2df",
      "refreshExpiration": 2592000


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.

Known issues

Reset password

Currently Payload doesn't feature operation hooks on reset password, and it automatically initialises a session and issues an access token when the operation is done. This is not a problem when operating within the CMS; however, it doesn't allow for this plugin to limit the session creation to be CMS-only – meaning that an OAuth application is all good to use the reset password REST endpoint and GraphQL mutation native to Payload, but this will only create an access token, that will be shortlived and not accompanied by a refresh token. It is therefor adviced for OAuth applications to disregard the session and access token issued by Payload post reset password and request the user to log in again after the password has been reset.


Payload 2.0

This plugin was initially written to work with Payload ^1.0.0. An effort has been made to match ^2.0.0, thus leaving behind the legacy ^1.0.0 versions. It should be working fine however, I have yet to test the plugin using the vite-bundler and postgres db adapter.


The entire auth, refresh and logout flow is fully working using the REST api. I have yet to create dedicated GraphQL mutations and resolvers. This is in the works.


Contributions and feedback are very welcome.

To get it running:

  1. Clone the project.
  2. yarn install
  3. yarn build



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Better refresh token flow for Payload CMS







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