Shadowsocks client implement in Lua, based on my libuv binding.
Usage: luajit Shadowsocks.lua local.json
The json file is compatible with the official one.
I will implement these functions one-by-one:
- iptables-based transparent proxy on Linux
- dynamic proxying without PAC files
- Add a web UI to manage it
- Shadowsocks server with Web UI authentication
- Easy-to-deploy scripts
I wrote a server that prints how many client it has accepted after 10 seconds and sends 20000 SOCKS5 connect request to the Shadowsocks client. The Shadowsocks server is the official python Here are the results:
luajit 59.9 MiB server 110.2 MiB
Got 16669 connections.
local 58.8 MiB server 66.7 MiB
Got 9056 connections.