gruvbox theme for tdesktop with a touch of gruvbox-material.
- Download
from the releases page. - Use Settings menu to select the theme or just send
to yourself in Telegram and click on the message. - Click "Apply this theme".
Clone repo:
git clone
Pack background and colors files:
zip gruvbox.tdesktop-theme background.png colors.tdesktop-theme
You may not like some of the decisions made for this theme.
To change the colors, edit colors.tdesktop-theme
and follow manual build instructions to generate new theme file.
Some particular options you may want to edit are listed below.
scrollBarBg: none; // default scroll bar current rectangle, the bar itself (like in chats list)
scrollBg: none; // default scroll bar background
scrollBarBgOver: none; // default scroll bar current rectangle with mouse over it
scrollBgOver: none; // default scroll bar background with mouse over the scroll bar
historyScrollBarBg: scrollBarBg; // scroll bar current rectangle, the bar itself in the chat view (adjusted)
historyScrollBarBgOver: scrollBarBgOver; // scroll bar current rectangle with mouse over it in the chat view (adjusted)
historyScrollBg: scrollBg; // scroll bar background (adjusted)
historyScrollBgOver: scrollBgOver; // scroll bar background with mouse over the scroll bar (adjusted)
titleButtonBg: none; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button background when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonFg: none; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button icon when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseBg: none; // custom window title close button background when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseFg: none; // custom window title close button icon when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonBgOver: titleButtonBg; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button background with mouse over when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonFgOver: titleButtonFg; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button icon with mouse over when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseBgOver: titleButtonBgOver; // custom window title close button background with mouse over when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseFgOver: titleButtonFgOver; // custom window title close button icon with mouse over when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonBgActive: titleButtonBg; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button background when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonFgActive: titleButtonFg; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button icon when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseBgActive: titleButtonCloseBg; // custom window title close button background when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseFgActive: titleButtonCloseFg; // custom window title close button icon when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonBgActiveOver: titleButtonBgOver; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button background with mouse over when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonFgActiveOver: titleButtonFgOver; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button icon with mouse over when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseBgActiveOver: titleButtonCloseBgOver; // custom window title close button background with mouse over when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseFgActiveOver: titleButtonCloseFgOver; // custom window title close button icon with mouse over when window is active (Windows only)
Have a suggestion? Open an Issue!