Use Python 3 instead of Python 2 in the Faraday Server
Add ability to manage agents with multiple executors
Agents can be run with custom arguments
Improved processing of uploaded reports. Now it is much faster!
Add custom fields of type choice
Fix vuln status transition in bulk create API (mark closed vulns as re-opened when they are triggered again)
Fix bug when using non-existent workspaces in Faraday GTK Client
Set service name as required in the Web UI
Validate the start date of a workspace is not greater than the end date
Fix command API when the year is invalid
When SSL misconfigurations cause WebSockets to fails it doesn't block the server from starting
Check for invalid service port number in the Web UI
Fix dashboard tooltips for vulnerability
Fix bug when GTK client lost connection to the server
Fix style issues in "Hosts by Service" modal of the dashboard
Add API for bulk delete of vulnerabilities
Add missing vuln attributes to exported CSV
faraday-manage support now displays the Operating System version
Notify when faraday-manage can't run because of PostgreSQL HBA config error
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