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About this work

This the backend project for a food ordering platform without the implementation of the payment system. This a NodeJS project built with this helping hands ExpressJS, Mongoose, Bcrypt, JSONwebtoken, Dotenv, Body-Parser, and Nodemon for development.


Use npm install comman to install the dependencies.

$ npm install


Rename the .dev-env file to .env

$ mv .dev-env .env

Now, open the file to include the port the server would listen on and the mongodb url for database.

State-Up the server by running

$ node app.js
// or nodemon if installed too
$ nodemon app.js


Below are the methods, route, the user, and reference to the controller and auth function that performs every action.

Method Route Controller Auth
get / allFoods -
post /signup newUser -
post /login login -
put /updatepassword updatePassword decodeToken
post /requestpasswordreset requestPasswordReset -
post /resetpassword resetPassword -
get /:id userProfile decodetoken
put /edit userUpdate decodeToken
delete /:id delUser decodeToken
get /food/all allFoods decodeToken
get /food/:id aFoodDetails decodeToken
get /user/cart/ allCartItem decodeToken
post /user/cart/:id/:qty addTocart deodeToken
put /user/cart/:id/:qty editCart decodeToken
delete /user/cart/:id removeFromCart decodeToken
post /user/ordering/ checkout decodeToken
get /user/ordering/ orderHistroy decodeToken
post /admin/ newFood decodeToken, isAdmin
get /admin/allfoods allFoods decodeToken, isAdmin
post /admin/makeavailable makeFoodAvailable decodeToken, isAdmin
post /admin/makeadmin makeAdmin decodetoken, isAdmin
delete /admin/:id deleteFood decodetoken, isAdmin

Order Information

There is postman file with this project foodOrdering.postman_collection.json that would help during testing. Also, you can quickly create test users with the createUser.js file by uncommenting the last line in app.js file to have require("./createUser")

app.listen(PORT, async () => {
    await require("./config/mongodbconfig")()
    console.log(`::> Server listening on port ${ PORT } @ http://localhost:${ PORT }`)

module.exports = app
//  require("./createUser")             <<<<--------

In the console you would get this same message

Here is the login details for admin, email: [email protected], password: Password&123
Here is the login details for user, email: [email protected], password: Password&123

You can use those details to start, do not for to comment that line back when the users are created. Enjoy


Any issue? please create the issue with full details of the issue, would get to it.