The following make targets will prompt you for a passphrase on the CA key. use these target to generate client and server certificates
make certs-gen-server
make certs-gen-client
Before you start, you will need to clone this repo and generate server and client certifictaes using make
make certs-gen-server
make certs-gen-client
Download the latest release from (releases)[]
Run with the following command
./portal --tls_cert_file ./certs/server.crt --tls_private_key_file ./certs/server.key --ca_cert_file ./certs/ca_cert.pem --kubeconfig=/full/path/to/kubeconfig
The server and reconcile loop would be able to handle a sig TERM or sig INT and gracefully shutdown
I0830 17:32:34.038334 76627 main.go:79] Server started and listening on https://localhost:8443
I0830 17:32:38.112927 76627 reconcile.go:78] reconcile: nginx-deployment.default - drift detected => reconcile replicas 4 => 4
I0830 17:32:38.646391 76627 reconcile.go:25] Starting Replica Reconcile Loop...
^CI0830 17:32:41.040348 76627 reconcile.go:220] Stopping Reconcile Loop
I0830 17:32:41.040347 76627 main.go:87] Shutting down server
before you run the following command, make sure git branch is clean.
make sure the version has the v
VERSION=v1.0.0 make release/tag
this will kick the GoReleaser and create the releases.
set the version to your requested version without the v
VERSION=1.0.0 make release/tag
make release
result binaries would be stored in the dist
github actions will run on every commit with:
- linting (staticcheck)
- unit-testing using goSumTests
- code-coverage - will create a badge
- build - code will be built
helm secrets can be secured with gpg or kms, with encrypted secrets, this solution can be extended to github actions
this helm chart is production ready, with pod disruption budget and node anti-affinity, and 2 replicas to make sure the service is up. it also has minimum required RBAC permissions for teh service account
configmap state will be auto created in the namespace of the install by the server on run.
health-checks for the pods are checking connectivity with kubernetes API server by making a raw request and receiving data back. the health-checks are not mTLS since kubelet does not have the client certificates to communicate with the server, thus health-checks runs on another port (configurable)
for more info read the helm-chart readme
build - build the server
release/tag - use VERSION=v0.0.0 release/tag to create a new tag and push - this will trigger a GoReleaser build binaries and Docker push
release/dry-run - run GoReleaser locally and skip pushing Docker images
release - run GoReleaser locally and push to Docker images
test - run unit tests
certs-cleanup - delete certs folder
certs-gen-server - generate server certificates and root CA
certs-gen-client - generate client certificates
start-kind - Run Kubernetes In Docker (Kind)
run-server-in-kind - run Portal server in Docker and network into kind
clean - delete bin dist and certs folders