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Update scheduled.yaml #171

Update scheduled.yaml

Update scheduled.yaml #171

GitHub Actions / Unit Tests Summary failed Sep 11, 2024 in 0s

2 errors, 1 fail, 144 pass in 12m 51s

  1 files  ±0   22 suites  ±0   12m 51s ⏱️ -29s
147 tests ±0  144 ✅  - 3  0 💤 ±0  1 ❌ +1  2 🔥 +2 
475 runs   - 4  472 ✅  - 7  0 💤 ±0  1 ❌ +1  2 🔥 +2 

Results for commit e153391. ± Comparison against earlier commit d7cb5c2.


Check warning on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_variable_browser

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

1 out of 5 runs failed: e2e_tm_variable_browser_content_is_displayed_correctly. (shinytest2_tm_variable_browser)

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
trimws(app_driver$active_module_element_text("variable_summary_table table th")) (`actual`) doesn't fully contain all the values in "Statistic" (`expected`). ('test-shinytest2-tm_variable_browser.R:56:3')
trimws(app_driver$active_module_element_text("variable_summary_table table th")) (`actual`) doesn't fully contain all the values in "Statistic" (`expected`).
* Missing from `actual`: "Statistic"
* Present in `actual`:   "Level", "Count"

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_variable_browser

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_variable_browser_changing_display_density_encoding_doesn_t_show_errors. (shinytest2_tm_variable_browser) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 5s]
Raw output
Error in `app_find_node_id(self, private, input = input, output = output,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_variable_browser.R:156:3')
Error in `app_find_node_id(self, private, input = input, output = output, 
    selector = selector)`: Cannot find HTML element with selector #teal-teal_modules-variable_browser__e2e_-module-display_density
 1. └─app_driver$click(selector = app_driver$active_module_element("display_density")) at test-shinytest2-tm_variable_browser.R:156:3
 2.   └─super$click(...)
 3.     └─shinytest2:::app_click(...)
 4.       └─shinytest2:::app_find_node_id(self, private, input = input, output = output, selector = selector)
 5.         └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 6.           └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_variable_browser

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

1 out of 2 runs with error: e2e_tm_variable_browser_changing_outlier_definition_encoding_doesn_t_show_errors. (shinytest2_tm_variable_browser)

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Error in `app_find_node_id(self, private, input = input, output = output,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_variable_browser.R:175:3')
Error in `app_find_node_id(self, private, input = input, output = output, 
    selector = selector)`: Cannot find HTML element with selector #teal-teal_modules-variable_browser__e2e_-module-remove_outliers
 1. └─app_driver$click(selector = app_driver$active_module_element("remove_outliers")) at test-shinytest2-tm_variable_browser.R:175:3
 2.   └─super$click(...)
 3.     └─shinytest2:::app_click(...)
 4.       └─shinytest2:::app_find_node_id(self, private, input = input, output = output, selector = selector)
 5.         └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 6.           └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)