Belongs To Many create & edit form UI for Nova. Enables attaching relationships easily and includes validation.
composer require dillingham/nova-attach-many
use NovaAttachMany\AttachMany;
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
You can set min, max, size or custom rule objects
->rules('min:5', 'max:10', 'size:10', new CustomRule)
Here are a few customization options
Shows "selected/total"->showPreview()
Shows only selected->hideToolbar()
Removes search & select all->height('500px')
Set custom height->fullWidth()
Set to full width->help('<b>Tip:</b> help text')
Set the help text
The attachable resources will be filtered by relatableQuery() So you can filter which resources are able to be attached
This field also respects policies: ie Role / Permission
- RolePolicy: attachAnyPermission($user, $role)
- RolePolicy: attachPermission($user, $role, $permission)
- PermissionPolicy: viewAny($user)
[] Add pagination for large amount of resources
dkulyk helped with authorization