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Logo GRUA (Generic Resources Unifier and Allocator)


GRUA is a Puppet External Node Classifier (ENC) application. Here are some of its key features:

  • Multi-tenant support: It is possible to manage multiple Puppet Servers (called Master Zones) with a single GRUA application;
  • Multi-environments support: GRUA supports multiple Puppet Servers environments and it can automatically sync information about them;
  • Access control: It is possible to establish selective restrictions of access to Master Zone, depending on the user permissions. Also, GRUA's API is protected and requires authentication;
  • Group-orientation: Nodes can only be associated to groups. And groups are abstractions that are associated with a Puppet Server and one of its environments, that may contain classes and parameters.


GRUA uses the following technologies:

How to run (with Docker)

GRUA is very easy to install and deploy in Docker containers, through Docker Compose.

Set environment variables on docker-compose.yml on scheduler and worker services:

      - WEBAPP_USER=<username to be created>
      - WEBAPP_PASS=<user pass to be created>
      - WEBAPP_USER=<username to be created>
      - WEBAPP_PASS=<user pass to be created>

Build the containers with:

docker-compose build

Apply database migrations with:

docker-compose run webapp python migrate

Create an admin user with the information provided in WEBAPP_USER and WEBAPP_PASS:

docker-compose run webapp python shell -c "from django.contrib.auth.models import User; User.objects.create_superuser('<chosen username>', '<user email>', '<chosen password>')"

Spin up the containers with:

docker-compose up

By default, the Docker will expose port 8080. Therefore, you can access the main webapp at localhost:8000.

Usage and documentation

A more complete documentation of GRUA can be found on our wiki.

Setting up a Puppet Server to communicate with GRUA

In order to a Puppet Server correctly communicate with GRUA there are two viable options:

  1. Use our puppet-grua module on each Puppet Server on your infrastructure that should be communicating with GRUA;
  2. Manually perform the following actions:
    1. Create a Master Zone for the Puppet Server: Creating a Master Zone
    2. Obtain the Master Zone id (UUID) via GRUA's API (on /api/master_zones): Obtaining Master Zone's UUID
    3. Access the Puppet Server responsible for the Puppet CA;
    4. Generate a certificate for GRUA via Puppet CA;
    5. Sign this certificate via Puppet CA;
    6. Create/obtain a token on GRUA's admin page for an admin user (on /admin/authtoken/token/add/): Creating a new GRUA auth token
    7. Config Puppet Server's API permissions to allow requests with the generated certificate on the classes/environments endpoints (using Master Zone's UUID value and GRUA's auth token);
    8. Restart the Puppet Server;
    9. Upload the certificate file and the key file for the PuppetServer (Master Zone) via a PUT on GRUA API (on /api/master_zones/<master_zone_id>): Uploagind Master Zone's certificate files
    10. Create a file on the Puppet Server to consult GRUA's API node_classifier endpoint (on /api/nodes/node_classifier/?certname=<node_certname>&master_id=<master_zone_id>);
    11. Restart the Puppet Server
    12. Repeat steps 9, 10 and 11 for each compiler on a non-monolithic server architecture.

We absolutely recommend you to choose the first option, as it is much easier and the straight-forward one to go with.


Our API is documented using Swagger and can be accessed on GRUA via /docs/ URL path.

Release History

  • 0.1.0
    • Public release
  • 0.1.1
    • Fix node-sass version on package.json
    • Update info about environment variables WEBAPP_USER and WEBAPP_PASS


Distributed under the Apache 2 license. See LICENSE for more information.


  • Oscar Esgalha (oscar at instruct dot com dot br)


  • Aurora Wang (aurora dot wang at instruct dot com dot br);
  • Dirceu Silva (dirceu dot silva at instruct dot com dot br);
  • Fabio Iassia (fabio at instruct dot com dot br);
  • Joao Nascimento (joao dot nascimento at instruct dot com dot br);
  • João Sizílio (joao dot sizílio at instruct dot com dot br);
  • Luana Lima (luana dot lima at instruct dot com dot br);
  • Thiago Pena (thiagopena at instruct dot com dot br);
  • Jeferson Costa (jeferson dot costa at instruct dot com dot br);