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Immediate and temporal assertions in SystemC

Mikhail Moiseev edited this page Oct 15, 2024 · 2 revisions


This page presents immediate and temporal assertions to extend existing assertions in SystemC. These assertions are intendend to be used in simulation to check design correctness. These assertions are translated into equivalent SystemVerilog assertions (SVA) by Intel Compiler for SystemC.

The implementation is available at

  • sct_assert.h -- sct_assert function and SCT_ASSERT macros
  • sct_property.h -- assertion checker class

Immediate assertions

There are several types of C++, SystemC, and ICSC assertions to use in design verification:

  • assert(expr) -- general C++ assertion, in case of violation leads to abort SystemC simulation, ignored by ICSC;
  • sc_assert(expr) -– SystemC assertion, leads to report fatal error (SC_REPORT_FATAL), ignored by ICSC;
  • sct_assert(expr [, msg = ""]) -– ICSC assertion, in simulation has the same behavior as assert, SVA generates System Verilog assertion (SVA) for it. Second parameter const char* msg is optional, contains message to print in simulation and used in SVA error message;

Immediate assertions are declared in sct_assert.h (components/common/sct_assert.h). This assertion can be used for SystemC simulation ans well as for generated Verilog simulation. In generated Verilog there is equivalent SVA assert with error message if specified. Error message should be string literal (const char*).

// SystemC source
#include "sct_assert.h"
void sct_assert_method()  {
   sct_assert(cntr == 1);
   sct_assert(!enable, "User error message");
// Generated SystemVerilog
assert (cntr == 1) else $error("Assertion failed at test_sva_assert.cpp:55:9");
assert (!enable) else $error("User error message at test_sva_assert.cpp:56:9");

SVA for sct_assert generated in always_comb block that requires to consider exact delta cycle when used in the assertion signals/ports changed their values. That makes using sct_assert more complicated than temporal assertion SCT_ASSERT in module scope or SCT_ASSERT_THREAD in thread process as described below. So, it is strongly recommended to use SCT_ASSERT(expr, clk.pos()) or SCT_ASSERT_THREAD(expr, clk.pos()) instead of sct_assert(expr).

Temporal assertions

Temporal assertions in SystemC intended to be used for advanced verification of design properties with specified delays. These assertions looks similar to System Verilog assertions (SVA). The assertions can be added in SystemC design in module scope and clocked thread process:

SCT_ASSERT(EXPR, EVENT);                       // In module scope 
SCT_ASSERT(LHS, TIME, RHS, EVENT);             // In module scope 
SCT_ASSERT_STABLE(LHS, TIME, RHS, EVENT);      // In module scope 
SCT_ASSERT_ROSE(LHS, TIME, RHS, EVENT);        // In module scope 
SCT_ASSERT_FELL(LHS, TIME, RHS, EVENT);        // In module scope 
SCT_ASSERT_THREAD(EXPR, EVENT);                // In clocked thread 
SCT_ASSERT_THREAD(LHS, TIME, RHS, EVENT);      // In clocked thread 
SCT_ASSERT_LOOP(LHS, TIME, RHS, EVENT, ITER);  // In for-loop inside of clocked thread

These ways are complementary. Assertions in module scope avoids polluting process code. Assertions in clock thread allows to use member and local variables. Assertions in loop can access channel and port arrays.

Temporal assertions in module scope and clocked thread have the same parameters:

  • EXPR -- assertion expression, checked to be true,
  • LHS -- antecedent assertion expression which is pre-condition,
  • TIME -- temporal condition is specific number of cycles or cycle interval,
  • RHS -- consequent assertion expression, checked to be true if antecedent expression was true in past,
  • EVENT -- cycle event which is clock positive, negative or both edges.
  • ITER -- loop iteration counter variable(s) in arbitrary order.

Assertion expression can be arithmetical or logical expression, with zero, one or several operands. Assertion expression cannot contain function call and ternary operator ?.

Temporal condition specified with:

SCT_TIME(TIME);              // time delay, TIME is number of cycles,
SCT_TIME(LO_TIME, HI_TIME);  // time interval, LO_TIME and HI_TIME are number of cycles.

Temporal condition specifies time delay when RHS checked after LHS is true. Temporal condition is number of cycles or cycle interval, where cycle is clock period. For cycle interval RHS should be true at least at one of the cycles. Specific number of cycles is integer non-negative number. Cycle interval has low time and high time. Low time and high time can be the same. There is reduced form of time condition with brackets only (TIME) or (LO_TIME, HI_TIME) (see examples below).

Temporal assertions are declared in sct_assert.h (include/cstcommon/sct_assert.h), it needs to be included.

To disable temporal assertions macro SCT_ASSERT_OFF should be defined. That can be required to use another HLS tools which does not support these assertions. To avoid SVA assertion generating NO_SVA_GENERATE option of svc_target should be used.

Temporal assertions in module scope

Temporal assertions in module scope added with


If clk is clock input, then EVENT specified with clk.pos(), clk.neg() or clk correspondingly.

SCT_ASSERT_STABLE, SCT_ASSERT_ROSE and SCT_ASSERT_FELL have some limitation on time parameter:

  • SCT_ASSERT_STABLE can have time delay 0 and 1 and time interval with low time 0 and 1,
  • SCT_ASSERT_ROSE and SCT_ASSERT_FELL can have time delay 0 and 1only.

Time delay for these assertion means immediate or one cycle delayed checking of stable/rose/fell of the consequent expression. Time interval for SCT_ASSERT_STABLE specify how long the consequent expression should be stable.

Assertion expression can operate with signals, ports, template parameters, constants and literals. Non-constant member data variables (not signals/ports) access in assertion can lead to data races. Because of that only member data which has stable value after elaboration phase could be used in assertions.

Assertion expression can contain call of functions which have no parameters, have integral return type and consists of only return statement.

There are several examples:

static const unsigned N = 3;
sc_in<bool> req;
sc_out<bool> resp;
sc_signal<sc_uint<8>> val;
sc_signal<sc_uint<8>>* pval;
int m;
sc_uint<16> arr[N];
77: SCT_ASSERT(req || val == 0, clk.pos());             // OK
78: SCT_ASSERT(req, SCT_TIME(1), resp, clk.pos());      // OK
79: SCT_ASSERT(req, SCT_TIME(N+1), resp, clk.neg());    // OK, constant in time parameter
80: SCT_ASSERT(req, (2),, clk);              // OK, brackets only form
81: SCT_ASSERT(val, SCT_TIME(2,3), *pval, clk.pos());   // OK, time interval
82: SCT_ASSERT(arr[0], (N,2*N), arr[N-1], clk.pos());   // OK, brackets only form
83: SCT_ASSERT(val == N, SCT_TIME(1), resp, clk.pos()); // OK, constant in assertion expression 
84: SCT_ASSERT(m == 0, (1), resp, clk.pos());           // Error, member data variable used
85: SCT_ASSERT(resp, (0,2), arr[m+1], clk.pos());       // Error, access array at non-literal index
86: SCT_ASSERT_STABLE(req, (0), resp, clk.pos());       // OK
87: SCT_ASSERT_STABLE(req, (2), resp, clk.pos());       // Error, delay can be 0 or 1
88: SCT_ASSERT_STABLE(req, (1,3), resp, clk.pos());     // OK
89: SCT_ASSERT_ROSE(req, (0), resp, clk.pos());         // OK  
90: SCT_ASSERT_FELL(req, (1), resp, clk.pos());         // OK  
91: SCT_ASSERT_ROSE(req, (0,1), resp, clk.pos());       // Error, no time interval for rose and fell  

Generated SVA:

sctAssertLine77 : assert property (
    @(posedge clk) true |-> req || val == 0 );
sctAssertLine78 : assert property (
    @(posedge clk) req |=> resp );
sctAssertLine79 : assert property (
    @(negedge clk) req |-> ##4 resp );
sctAssertLine80 : assert property (
    @(negedge clk) req |-> ##2 val );
sctAssertLine86 : assert property (
    @(posedge clk) req |-> $stable(resp) );
sctAssertLine88 : assert property (
    @(posedge clk) req |=> $stable(resp)[*3] );
sctAssertLine89 : assert property (
    @(posedge clk) req |-> $rose(resp) );
sctAssertLine90 : assert property (
    @(posedge clk) req |=> $fell(resp) );
`endif // INTEL_SVA_OFF

Temporal assertions in clocked thread process

Temporal assertions in clocked thread added with


These assertions can operate with local data variables and local/member constants. Non-constant member data variables (not signals/ports) access in assertion can lead to data races. Because of that only member data which has stable value after elaboration phase could be used in assertions.

These assertions can contain calls of simple functions like assertions in module scope.

Assertion in thread process can be placed in reset section (before first wait()) or after reset section before main infinite loop. Assertions in main loop not supported. Assertions can be placed in if branch scopes, but this if must have statically evaluated condition. Variable condition of assertion should be considered in its antecedent (left) expression.

void thread_proc() {
   // Reset section
   SCT_ASSERT_THREAD(req, SCT_TIME(1), ready, clk.pos());     // Assertions in reset section
   SCT_ASSERT_THREAD(req, SCT_TIME(2,3), resp, clk.pos());    // Assertions after reset section

   // Main loop 
   while (true) { 
      ...                                   // No assertion in main loop 

Assertion in reset section generated in the end of always_ff block, that makes it active under reset. Assertion after reset section generated in else branch of the reset if, that makes it inactive under reset.

// Generated Verilog code
always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge nrst) begin
   if (~nrst) begin
   end else 
      assert property (req |-> ##[2:3] resp);  // Assertions after reset section 
   assert property (req |=> ready);            // Assertions from reset section 

There an example with several assertions:

static const unsigned N = 3;
sc_in<bool> req;
sc_out<bool> resp;
sc_signal<bool> resp;
sc_uint<8> m;
void thread_proc() {
   int i = 0;
   SCT_ASSERT_THREAD(req, SCT_TIME(0), ready, clk.pos());        // OK
   SCT_ASSERT_THREAD(req, SCT_TIME(N+1), ready, clk.pos());      // OK, constant in time parameter
   SCT_ASSERT_THREAD(req, (2,3), i == 0, clk.pos());             // OK, local variable used
   if (N > 1) {
       SCT_ASSERT_THREAD(req, SCT_TIME(1), resp, clk.pos());     // OK, statically evaluated condition
   SCT_ASSERT_THREAD(m > 1, (2), ready, clk.pos());              // OK, member variable used
   while (true) {   
      SCT_ASSERT_THREAD(req, SCT_TIME(0), ready, clk.pos());     // Error, assertion in main loop

Temporal assertions in loop inside of clocked thread

Temporal assertions in loop inside of clocked thread added with


ITER parameter is loop variable name or multiple names separated by comma.

Loop with assertions can be in reset section or after reset section before main infinite loop. The loop should be for-loop with statically determined number of iteration and one counter variable. Such loop cannot have wait() in its body.

void thread_proc() {
   // Reset section
   for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
      SCT_ASSERT_LOOP(req[i], SCT_TIME(1), ready[i], clk.pos(), i);
      for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
         SCT_ASSERT_LOOP(req[i][j], SCT_TIME(2), resp[i][N-j+1], clk.pos(), i, j);
   while (true) { 
      ...                        // No assertion in main loop 
// Generated Verilog code
always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge nrst) begin
   if (~nrst) begin
   end else 
   for (integer i = 0; i < N; i++) begin
       assert property ( req[i] |=> ready[i] );  
   for (integer i = 0; i < N; i++) begin
       for (integer j = 0; j < M; j++) begin
           assert property ( req[i][j] |-> ##2 resp[i][M-j+1] );  

Special assertions

There are special assertions mostly intended for tool developers.

  • sct_assert_latch(var [, latch = true]) -- assert that given variable, signal or port is latch if second parameter is true (by default), or not latch otherwise. Latch object is defined only at some paths of method process.
  • sct_assert_const(expr) -- check given expression is true in constant propagation analysis
  • sct_assert_level(level) -- check current block level with given one
  • sct_assert_unknown(value) -- check give value is unknown, i.e. not statically evaluated
  • sct_assert_defined(expr) -- check given expression is defined
  • sct_assert_read(expr) -- check given expression is read
  • sct_assert_register(expr) -- check given expression is read before defined
  • sct_assert_array_defined(expr) -- check given expression is array and some element is defined at least on some paths

Latch assertion usage

Normally ICSC does not allow to have latch in SystemC source, but there are some cases where latch is required. There is ICSC assertion sct_assert_latch which intended to specify latch in method process. It suppresses ICSC error message for latch variable, signal or port.

Normal method process translated into always_comb block in SystemVerilog. For method with latch always_latch block is generated.

// SystemC source for Clock Gate cell
#include "sct_assert.h"
void cgProc() {
    if (!clk_in) {
        enable = enable_in;
    // To prevent error reporting for latch
void cgOutProc() {
    clk_out = enable && clk_in;
// Generated Verilog
begin : cgProc
    if (!clk_in) begin
        enable <= enable_in;