Displays information about the company (description, CEO, market cap, employee count, etc), with additional financial information displayed when a user clicks "Show More." Also displays two smaller boxes above with the headers: "Your Equity" and a "Your Average Cost." These display information on your returns and your portfolio, respectively.
From within the root directory:
npm install npm run react-dev npm run generateCSVs npm run seed:PostgreSQL npm start
https://github.com/invest-ex/chart_module https://github.com/invest-ex/buy_module https://github.com/invest-ex/ratings_history_module
Type | Endpoint | Operation |
GET | /api/about/:symbol |
Get information on company and its overall performance |
POST | /api/about/:symbol |
Add company and its 'about' information |
PUT | /api/about/:symbol |
Update company information |
DELETE | /api/about/:symbol |
Delete company and its information |
GET | /api/user/:userId |
Get information on user's portfolio |
POST | /api/user/:userId |
Add user portfolio |
PUT | /api/user/:userId |
Update user's portfolio |
DELETE | /api/user/:userId |
Delete user's portfolio |