A Tic Tac Toe game server that provides an API for you to create your own Tic Tac Toe client.
This API is meant to be used at a one-day hackathon.
Therefore this API is designed in a way that it can be used in a pragmatic way, even if this might hurt some best practices in REST-API design.
bundle install
bundle exec rails c
bundle exec rspec
Check out Installing flyctl
brew install flyctl
Build, Deploy and Run a Rails Application
flyctl launch
fly deploy --remote-only --verbose --no-cache
If you are stuck in the remote Docker build process, try to enable websockets for data transfer:
flyctl wg websockets enable
fly ssh console
cd /app
bin/rails c
We want heroku-style autogenerated names for games. We use the dictionaries of the Glitch word list as a starting point. Combined with a postfix random number, this should allow for over 1000 * 1000 * 10_000 (10 billion) combinations.