Powershell module for SmartThings
Powershell version 3 or later and a Smartthings Personal access token that has adequate permissions
Supports tab completion of your devices and capabilities
Set-SmartThingsDevice -Device 'Dining Room Light' -Capability switch -command on
Find-SmartThingsDevice | select-object label
Find-SmartThingsDevice -name "office" | Invoke-SmartThingsCommand -command on -capability switch
Import-Module .\PowerThings.psm1
or copy to Powershell Module path "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" in Powershell version 4 and up
Pull Requests welcome
- John Luikart - Initial work - Luikiedook
- FoxDeploy
- Joeypiccola for helping me figure out dynamic functions