This repository contains the Android port of C++ written for foreground/background segmentation of the human hand in videos from an egocentric perspective, using pixel-level classification. The native C++ can be found at
#IDE This project is based in Android Studio 2.2.2 Android Studio can be downloaded from Installation instructions can be found at
#Android SDK SDK can be downloaded using Android Studio. The application has been compiled for API version 24
#Android NDK Based your system, NDK can be downloaded from
#OpenCV Native C++ code which is ported to Android uses OpenCV library(Version 2.4.13/2.4.12/2.4.9). OpenCV be downloaded from Kindly download OpenCV 2.4.9 since the ARM binaries used to build the application are of version OpenCV 2.4.9
#Project Installation
To install the project complete the following steps.
Clone this repository: git clone
Open the Project in Android Studio
In the gradle folder, make the following changes to ndk.dir = (NDK path in your system) sdk.dir = (SDK path in your system)
In the src folder, make the following changes to build.gradle opencvSrcDir = (OpenCV 2.4.9 path in your system) ndk{ cppFlags.addAll(["-I/(OpenCV 2.4.9 path in your system)/include/", "-I/(OpenCV 2.4.9 path in your system)/modules/core/include/"]) }
Copy the files in "models/" to "/sdcard/handtracking/models" on the phone
Copy the files in "globfeat/" to "/sdcard/handtracking/globfeat" on the phone
#Running the Project from PC
- The Android device which is going to use this application should have an Android version of API level 17 or above. Latest devices can be readily used
- Plug the device to the PC through USB Cable.
- Open the Project in Android Studio
- Click the RUN button(green with an arrow)
- Pop up which says "Select Deployment Target" will appear, select the connected device
- Application should open up in the mobile.