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Add a new CHIP

batchku edited this page Dec 30, 2016 · 9 revisions


Ansible seems to be the right way to do this.

Some additional references:

Before starting

We need to setup password-less ssh like this or this. The process involves:

  • Generate ssh keys if you don't have them:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa

  • If you see two files called "id_rsa" when you run:
    ls -l ~/.ssh

  • Copy your public ssh key (from the controller computer) to all hosts, one by one; easiest way is to install ssh-copy-id with brew and run it:
    brew install ssh-copy-id
    ssh-copy-id [email protected]

  • Install Ansible:
    brew install ansible

Configure Chip to Connect to network

To setup wifi, we have to first connect to the CHIP over USB, and tell it what network to use.
NOTE: don't mess with /etc/network/interfaces like it says some places on the net..

Connect to CHIP over USB

Use this to connect to your chip for the first time, before networking is setup:

  • connect chip to computer with USB; Important to use a "good" USB cable, not one that's only for charging.
  • open terminal on computer, and run ls /dev/tty*
  • look for the item that has a name that's different than the others (!), usually tty.usbmodem...
  • in computer's terminal, type 'screen /dev/tty.usbmodem...', where the 'tty.usbmodem...' is whatever you saw in step 3.

Configure CHIP for your wifi network

  • list all connections:
    sudo nmcli co

  • list all available networks:
    nmcli device wifi list

  • connect to a wifi network; will reconnect to it on reboot:
    nmcli device wifi connect '(your wifi network name/SSID)' password '(your wifi password)' ifname wlan0

  • in our case with network called "Chipchestra" with password "jengajenga", it would be:
    nmcli device wifi connect 'Chipchestra' password 'jengajenga' ifname wlan0

Set up the hosts (i.e. the CHIPS):

  • Edit the file called "hosts" to your new chip
chip1 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=chip host_key_checking=false
chip4 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=chip host_key_checking=false

This creates a "group" called chipchestra with two hosts called chip1 and chip4; IP address and login credentials follow

Using Ansible Ad-Hoc Commands:

  • Ping all servers in "Chipchestra" group:
    ansible chipchestra -m ping

  • Execute shell command on all hosts:
    ansible chipchestra -s -m shell -a 'ls -l'

  • Use RSync to synchronize a folder on the controller computer with one on remote hosts:

ansible chipchestra -m synchronize -a "src=/Users/ali/Documents/Development/chip-party/chip-ansible/files/pd-patches dest=/samba-share/"

Using Ansible Playbooks

  • Run a playbook from the controller computer:
    ansible-playbook playbook.yml