ShareDeals is a web application inspired by Slickdeals built using Ruby on Rails and React Redux.
I enjoy browsing Slickdeals and have found many good deals through their website.
- User accounts with BCrypt authentication
- User-generated deals (CRUD)
- Up-vote and down-vote deals
- Comments
- Search and filter
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Heroku hosting
- Cloudinary image hosting via Cloudinary gem
Popular deals on front page are based on total thumb score specified in Rails controller.
@popular_deals =
.having('sum(thumbs.value) > 8')
.order('deals.created_at DESC')
Search results are based on whole-word, case-insensitive matches. Default filter values are also added to the query if not present.
@deals =
.where('title ~* ?', search_string)
.where('price >= ?', min_price)
.where('price <= ?', max_price)
.where('category ~* ?', category)
.order('created_at DESC')
- React JavaScript library
- Redux state management library
- npm package manager
- webpack module bundler
- jQuery
The thumb rendered is based on whether a user enters or leaves the main <div>
element. A boolean in the component's state is updated appropriately based on the mouse events below.
return (
If a user's mouse cursor enters the <div>
element, this.state.hover
is true, and two clickable thumbs appear with their own event handlers.
let thumb;
if (this.state.hover) {
thumb = (
<div className='thumbs'>
src={this.thumbsUpImage()} />
src={this.thumbsDownImage()} />
} else {
thumb = (
<div className='thumbs'>
<img src={this.mainThumbImage()} />
ShareDeals was designed and implemented in less than two weeks based on a proposal that included
Palette by Beklad