This script requires Python 3.7, which is a strict requirement for stellargraph (used in the script).
To install all dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--input INPUT] [--graph GRAPH] [--lang LANG] [--filename FILENAME] [--conf CONF] [--int INT] [--occurrence OCCURRENCE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--endpoint ENDPOINT The endpoint from where retrieve the data (identified through codes: issa, covid). You can define new queries for different SPARQL endpoints in queries.json.
--input INPUT If available, path to the file containing the input data
--graph GRAPH In case there is a graph where to get the data from in the endpoint, provide (valid for issa: agrovoc, geonames, wikidata, dbpedia)
--lang LANG The language of the labels
--filename FILENAME The output file name. If not provided, it will be automatically generated based on the input information.
--conf CONF Minimum confidence of rules. Default is .7, rules with less than x confidence are filtered out.
--int INT Minimum interestingness (serendipity, rarity) of rules. Default is .3, rules with less than x interestingess are filtered out.
--occurrence OCCURRENCE Keep only terms co-occurring more than x times. Default is 5
After the first execution, the algorithm saves the input data into a csv file. To run the algorithm again using this file as input data instead of querying the endpoint, give the path as --filename.
The arguments --endpoint, --graph, and --lang are used to retrieve and custom the query from the queries.json file to retrieve the input data. To include a new query or a new SPARQL endpoint, modify the queries.json file accordingly.
Mining association rules from the agrovoc graph of the ISSA dataset:
./ --endpoint 'issa' --graph 'agrovoc' --lang 'en'
Mining association rules from the CovidOnTheWeb dataset:
./ --endpoint 'covid' --lang 'en'
See the LICENSE file.
When using this algorithm in a publication, please cite this paper:
Lucie Cadorel, Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi. Mining RDF Data of COVID-19 Scientific Literature for Interesting Association Rules. WI-IAT'20 - IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Dec 2020, Melbourne, Australia. hal-03084029