WARNING: still in alpha version. Please follow the issue 1 to get the information on the first version with proper installation instructions. If you are more patient, give it a try with current instructions.
Antlab is a multi-robot task server that accepts task specifications as LTL formulas, assigns task to set of robots, creates plans and executes requests.
More detailed instructions - or a virtual machine with everything set up - coming soon
- install ROS Indigo
- clone Antlab and make the ROS files with catkin_make
- set up virtual environment for Python3
- download modified XUDD library from https://github.com/gergia/xudd and add to your python3 path
- install postgre database. setup username and password at will, but make sure to change the values in antlab/system_0/config/settings.py accordingly
- run files antlab/system_0/db/dumps/tasks_create_script.sql and antlab/system_0/db/dumps/turtlebot_agents_create_script.sql
- open a terminal and use python3 environment. run
python start.py --arena_name=emptyRectangleTiny --use_ltl_implan --use_implan --multi_planner=ltl_multi_planner::LtlMultiPlanner --only_file_generation
- open another terminal and run
roslaunch multiple_robots_stage generated.launch
-back to original terminal, run(vdero3) ivan@wks-51-57:~/antlab-repo/system_0$ python start.py --arena_name=emptyRectangleTiny --use_ltl_implan --use_implan --multi_planner=ltl_multi_planner::LtlMultiPlanner
- open the address and use form for LTL request. Default request is given to illustrate usage of operators