(The original rodinia readme is at README)
Download and place the data/
contents from the 3.1 release from
http://lava.cs.virginia.edu/Rodinia/download_links.htm in data/
Create a file defining Makefile variables used in compilation (refer to common/epyc02.polygeist.host.make.config or common/kiev0.nvcc.host.make.config for an example) and link it to common/host.make.config
cd common
# For cuda
vim my.host.make.config
ln -s my.host.make.config host.make.config
# For openmp
vim my.openmp.host.make.config
ln -s my.openmp.host.make.config openmp.host.make.config
This will cause it to be included from the Makefiles
All of the commands commands regarding the cuda benchmarks act on the ones listed in scripts/cuda_apps.sh.
make TIMED_CUDA_clean
To build with disabled verification code:
make TIMED_CUDA_clean
Will run the benchmarks and dump output and timing information in results/cuda/
Dump verification information (can be done when running the benchmarks natively on cuda)
Verify against already dumped verification info:
Verify against already dumped verification info but don't stop at a mismatch, continue to the end and log all mismatches:
To check the last log:
The default location of the verification files is verification_data/