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Hotel Room Booking Application

This project is a hotel room booking application built using Next.js and hosted on Azure. You can explore the application at

Project Structure

The project is organized into several key directories and files:

  • src/services/base/: Contains the base service classes used for making HTTP requests.

    • BaseService.ts: An abstract class that sets up Axios for making HTTP requests. It includes error handling and request interceptors.
    • BaseEntityService.ts: Extends BaseService to provide CRUD operations for entities. It handles JWT authentication and token refresh logic.
  • src/interfaces/: Contains TypeScript interfaces for type safety.

    • auth/IResultObject.ts: Defines the structure of the result object returned by service methods.
    • IJWTResponse.ts: Defines the structure of the JWT response used for authentication.
  • src/pages/: Contains the Next.js pages, which are automatically routed based on their file names.

    • [id].tsx: Dynamic routing is used to handle pages for individual hotel rooms, identified by their unique IDs.
  • src/components/: Contains reusable React components used throughout the application.

  • public/: Contains static assets such as images and icons.

Design and Styling

  • Bootstrap: The application uses Bootstrap for styling and responsive design.

  • Design Inspiration:

    • The homepage design is inspired by
    • The admin and user management CRUD functionality design follows a traditional ASP.NET MVC view design.

Seeded Users

The application comes with pre-configured users for testing purposes:

When registering a new user through the application, the user will be created with regular user privileges.

Key Features

  • Next.js Framework: Utilizes Next.js for its server-side rendering capabilities, which improve SEO and performance. The framework's built-in image optimization and dynamic routing features are particularly beneficial for a hotel booking application.

  • Dynamic Routing: The use of [id].tsx in the pages directory allows for dynamic routing, making it easy to create pages for individual hotel rooms based on their IDs.

  • Image Optimization: Next.js automatically optimizes images, ensuring fast load times and a better user experience.

  • JWT Authentication: The application uses JWT for secure authentication. The BaseEntityService class handles token refresh logic to maintain user sessions.

X-Road Protocol Support

Our service supports the X-Road protocol, implemented via the X-Road-Client header. This header is added to all HTTP requests made through the BaseService class.

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Install Dependencies: Run npm install to install all necessary packages.
  2. Run the Development Server: Use npm run dev to start the development server. The application will be available at http://localhost:3000.
  3. Build for Production: Use npm run build to create an optimized production build.

Docker (Optional)

Dockerfile Build Information

The application is containerized using a multi-stage Dockerfile. It leverages Node.js 18 on Alpine Linux for a lightweight and efficient build. The Dockerfile includes stages for installing dependencies, building the application, and preparing a production-ready image with Next.js optimizations.

Build and run locally

Create the image:

docker build -t hotelx-nextjs:latest .

Run the container

docker run -d -p 8080:80 hotelx-nextjs:latest

Build to Docker Hub

Create the image:

docker buildx build --progress=plain -t hotelx-nextjs:latest .

Create a tag:

docker tag hotelx-nextjs <your-docker-hub-profile>/hotelx-nextjs:latest

Push the image:

docker push <your-docker-hub-profile>/hotelx-nextjs:latest


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue if you have any suggestions or improvements.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


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