route53-lambda-backup 0.1.0
route53-lambda-backup is an AWS Lambda function built to automatically back up Route 53 DNS records to S3.
This is the very first release of route53-lambda-backup. While it is functional, it should be used in production with great care – be sure to set the IAM role permissions as restrictive as possible (Route 53 read-only, S3 read/write), and use a new bucket to store backups. If used correctly, it should be safe to use in production.
- First release!
- Production-ready if used with caution
- Creates and uploads a csv with DNS zone records for each zone to S3
- Backups can be restored using route53-transfer in most cases; incompatible edge cases may still exist
Future Development:
- Improve compatibility with route53-transfer and test for edge cases (private zones, different types of records, etc.)
- Expand and improve documentation, including docstrings
- Refactor/clean code and fix bugs
- Include bootstrap script to create function