Sketches created for teaching students Processing (and, by extension, Java) plus more advanced topics-based examples.
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####Basics Basic program structure; drawing shapes; simple interaction, output
####Advanced Topics Implementation of Java classes for date, etc; fancier iteration examples; window extensions
####Utilities Formatting numbers and strings; file manipulation; run Unix commands
####3d Finding the direction of a triangle's 'normal' (more to come)
####Collision Detection A suite of functions for 2d collision detection, made from basic math (ie: no vectors, just algebra)
####Data Visualization Basic examples for loading data from file and web; HTML parsing
####Mapping Map-specific examples for GPS position, etc
####Drawing Drawing utilities; parallel lines
####Image Processing and OpenCV Pixel-based image processing; OpenCV examples; seam carving; posterization
####Interaction and Games Basic game structure; input and interface examples; basic trig
####Text Processing Parsing text using String functions; word and character counting; reading external files
####Android Growing collection of Android examples; the goal for these examples is to present the cleanest, simplest methods to interface with the Android API, especially for reading the sensors.
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[ all code available under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license - feel free to use but please let me know ]