MediCenter is an online platform built using MEAN Stack to help users provide all the medical knowledge at one place, emergency services, online consultancy, emergency contacts of your nearest hospital. Details of all doctors around you regarding of specific expertise etc. Separate dashboards for doctors and patients. This project is currently under develop.
Install the Node Package Manager and Angular
$ sudo snap install node --classic --channel=10
$ npm install nodemon -g
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
Install MongoDB from here.
Fork this repo and clone it
$ git clone<Your User Name>/MediCenter.git
Run this commmand in both the folders medicenter and client to install the dependencies
$ npm install
Run the application
# In the MediCenter folder
$ nodemon
# Inside the client folder
$ npm start
The web app runs at port 4200 i.e. http://localhost:4200/ and the Mongoose db at port 3000