This project aims to simulate a mountain car scenario within the ROS/Gazebo simulation environment. It focuses on developing a simulation where a car must navigate up a steep hill, incorporating elements such as varying landscape height, friction, kinetic energy, and simple control mechanisms to accurately represent the dynamics of a mountain car.
- Professor: Dr. Richard B. Sowers
- Student Researcher: Jaime Jarauta Gastelu
- ROS Noetic
- Gazebo 11
For further details and documentation, visit here.
- Hill/Model: STL model of the V1 hill, including an Excel workbook of formulas used.
- Other Worlds: Original ROS package attempt to create a pub/sub network (not functional) and other worlds.
includes the hill object. - Original Python script provided.
- gazebo-11 files: Standard Gazebo files and some additional models.
cd ~/catkin_ws/
# Open a new terminal
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun car_test
- Incorporates a differential car controllable via terminal using
. - diff_drive_ws: Contains the latest and functional ROS package for the controlled car.
cd diffDrive_ws
# Open a new terminal
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch simulation_environment diff_drive.launch
# Open a new terminal
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
# Optional
rostopic list
Focuses on automating the movement process and applying ML controls to the car.
- Launches an empty Gazebo world; running the Python script moves the car to a pre-determined (x,y) position.
- Launches a Gazebo world with the hill file; runs the same Python script as ROS_V3.1 considering gravity, mass, and other parameters.
- Includes a Python script applying forward/backward acceleration based on the car's movement direction.
- Includes as well a simple PID control in order to prevent the car from turning as it reaches speeds close to zero.
- Available in two versions:
- catkin_ws_flat: Runs the script without the hill to observe linear speed changes without external perturbations.
- catkin_ws: Runs the script with the hill.
Includes a new profile which represents better the mountain in the ML policies video
Includes a flag to the destination point
Includes 3 different policies
- Policy 1: applies force only when to the right of the hill and positive velocity
- Policy 2: applies positive force when robot has positive velocity
- Policy 3: applies positive force when robot has positive velocity, and negative force when negative velocity
Available in two versions:
- catkin_ws_big: has the big mountain profile as the hill
- catkin_ws: has the small mountain profile as the hill (0.25 scale in z axis)
- catkin_ws_flat: moves the robot in a flat surface
- In progress
- Tries to simulate gusts of wind
- Tries to include change of color of car depending on forward/backward acceleration
- Folder of the models and the necessary files to run them used in all simulations (ROS V1-V3)
- Types of files used - .obj .stl .dae .material .jpg/.png
cd ~/catkin_ws # or cd ~/catkin_ws_flat for the flat version
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch car_test car.launch
# If you want to see the linear speed values
source devel/setup.bash
rostopic echo /car/diff_drive_controller/odom/twist/twist
# If you want to see the robot's position values
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun car_test
# To run the python policy scripts
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun car_test # - -