An AngularJS module that provides a resource-generation service similar to ngResource, but optimized for the Django REST Framework. Based on ngResource 1.3.x and djResource. The biggest features:
- The
methods likequery
allow for paginated responses. The pages will be streamed into the promise object.
Download and put it in your project.
Do this somewhere in your application HTML:
<script src=""></script>
Add this AngularJS module as a dependency to your AngularJS application:
angular.module('app', [..., 'ngResource']);
(where 'app' is whatever you've named your AngularJS application).
In your controllers and anything that needs to interact with the Django REST Framework services, inject the $resource
service. Then you can create class-like objects that represent (and interact with) your Django REST Framework resources:
var Poll = $resource('/polls/:pollId/', {pollId:'@id'});
var myPoll = Poll.get({pollId:86}, function() {
myPoll.readByUser = true;
For complete API, consider the documentation for $resource, as this module follows the API quite closely.