This project forks from/builds on julianh2o/RokuAlexaLambdaSkill
This project provides an Alexa skill to control a local roku device with voice. See the the blog post below for original content/commands
Added commands: Lauch Plex, Pandora, Hulu, Amazon Video, Home
- Dockerfile for container creation
- systemd service file
- nodejs server for local device
- AWS Lambda code
- Alexa Skill code
For detailed instructions, check out the blog post on
- Modify RokuControlServer/server.js with the port your want to use
- Modify RokuLamba/serverinfo.js with your external IP and the port you want to use
- Modify RokuLambda/index.js with your application ID (From Alexa Skills Dashboard, step 4 below)
Start the server
For Manual Execution on your server:
- Start the Roku control server by running "npm install" and "node server.js" in the RokuControlServer folder
For Containerized Execution (v1.0.0 supports RPi container only, or you can build your own for your own system):
- copy roku.service to /etc/systemd/system/: sudo cp roku.service /etc/systemd/system/
- sudo systemctl enable roku
- sudo systemctl start roku
Make this server accessible to the outside world using port forwarding on your router being sure to include the proper port (default: 1234)
Configure Alexa as an event source under the event source tab in the AWS Lambda Function panel. (AWS Lambda Dashboard) - Skip code upload for now
Configure a Alexa Skill using the contents of the RokuSkill folder, the ARN of your above Lambda Function, and the Alexa Skills Dashboard.
Zip the .js files in RokuLamba up and upload them as a new AWS Lambda Function using the AWS Lambda Dashboard
This project is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.