integrating chatGPT with WhatsApp using Venom and openAi API
run npm i
add a .env file with the following variables:
You can get OPENAI_TOKEN and OPENAI_ORG_ID for free by creating a account at the OpenAI website.
The BOT_NUMBER must be your own phone number (with country code included) followed by ''.
On terminal, run node . (or nodemon if you have it installed), then scan the QR code with your phone.
Once you make throught this process, a directory called 'tokens' will be created in the root of the app directory
and you'll no longer need to scan it.
After successfully setting it up, you'll only need to start a messagem with /bot to get a chatGPT responnse
or with /img the get an AI generated image.
there is a /js option to return Javascript examples, it a bit wonky now beacause it is in beta.