Docker image providing NFS-Ganesha, a user space NFS v3/v4 fileserver.
$ sudo docker run -d --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --cap-add DAC_READ_SEARCH --name nfs \
-v /path/to/export:/data/nfs janeczku/nfs-ganesha:latest
Mount the NFS export:
$ mkdir -p /mnt/nfs
$ sudo mount -t nfs4 <server-name>:/ /mnt/nfs`
Default: /data/nfs
The directory to export.
Default: /
NFS4 pseudo path.
Default: 0
An identifier for the export, between 0 and 65535.
Default: 4
The NFS protocols allowed. One or multiple (comma-seperated) of 3, 4, and 9P.
Default: UDP, TCP
The transport protocols allowed. One or multiple (comma-seperated) of UDP, TCP, and RDMA.
Default: No_Root_Squash
What kind of user id squashing is performed. No_Root_Squash, Root_Id_Squash, Root_Squash, All_Squash.
Default: true
Whether to disable the NFSv4 grace period.
Default: NIV_EVENT
Logging verbosity. One of NIV_DEBUG, NIV_EVENT, NIV_WARN.