Releases: jantari/poshwal
Releases · jantari/poshwal
Version 2021.11.23
- Windows Terminal theme is now saved to a dedicated settings fragment (in
${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\Microsoft\Windows Terminal\Fragments\poshwal
) instead of main settings file. - This also means profiles will no longer be forced to the poshwal theme, only the profiles that have the "Generated by poshwal" theme selected will use it. Re-running poshwal updates this theme in-place
Version 2020.05.23
- Support newer versions of wt that use settings.json
- Support for newer wt versions
- Added initial support for the new windows terminal (wt)
- Refined background color choosing algorithm
Version 2019.03.05
- Cleaned up C++ helper and removed code for logging to a file (binary size now less than half)
- Logic fix where the prevalence of a color in the image was not being counted properly, this should lead to themes more representative of what you see in the image
- Fix to not allow the background and text colors to be the same anymore
- Some improvements to the logic for choosing a background color, handle edge case where it could pick a one-off color that only 1 pixel has as the background
- Actual logic for picking Color 15 (White) instead of blindly filling its spot
Initial public release - v2019.01.11
This is the first public release - v2019.01.11
In addition to all the source, it includes the compiled binary version of 'cpp_consoleattacher'.