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Javaxcel Core

Javaxcel Core

Supporter for export and import of excel file

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Table of Contents

What is Javaxcel?

Javaxcel is a supporter for exporting java.util.List to spreadsheets and importing java.util.List from spreadsheets using Apache POI.

Getting started



<!-- Required dependency -->


implementation 'com.github.javaxcel:javaxcel-core:x.y.z'

// Required dependency
implementation 'org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:a.b.c'

// Creates an instance of Javaxcel.
Javaxcel javaxcel = Javaxcel.newInstance();

File src = new File("/data", "old-products.xls");
File dest = new File("/data", "new-products.xlsx");

try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
        OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest);
        Workbook oldWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(in);
        Workbook newWorkbook = new SXSSFWorkbook()) {
    // Reads all the sheets and returns data as a list.
    List<Product> products = javaxcel.reader(oldWorkbook, Product.class).read();
    // Creates an Excel file and writes data to it.
    javaxcel.writer(newWorkbook, Product.class).write(out, products);
} catch (IOException e) {

Code with simple usage.


class Product {
    private long serialNumber;
    private String name;
    private String accessId;
    private Double width;
    private double depth;
    private double height;
    private Double weight;

// ...

Product product = Product.builder()
        .name("Choco cereal")
List<Product> products = Collections.singletonList(product);

There is a list that contains a Product.

No option


File dest = new File("/data", "products.xlsx")
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest);
Workbook workbook = new SXSSFWorkbook();

        .writer(workbook, Product.class)
        .write(out, products);

The result is

serialNumber name accessId width depth height weight
10000 Choco cereal 2a60-4973-aec0-685e 0.0 20.5 580.5

The column order is the same as the declared field order.

If nothing is specified for the column, header name is the field name.


File src = new File("/data", "products.xlsx");
Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(src);

List<Product> products = Javaxcel.newInstance()
        .reader(workbook, Product.class)

The result is

    "serialNumber": 10000,
    "name": "Choco cereal",
    "accessId": "2a60-4973-aec0-685e",
    "width": null,
    "depth": 0.0,
    "height": 20.5,
    "weight": 580.5

The column order, also when read, is the same as the declared field order.

Model must has a constructor without parameters, so that ExcelReader can instantiate.

Exclude field

private String accessId;


serialNumber name width depth height weight
10000 Choco cereal 0.0 20.5 580.5

If you want to exclude several fields, annotate @ExcelIgnore to them.


    "serialNumber": 10000,
    "name": "Choco cereal",
    "accessId": null,
    "width": null,
    "depth": 0.0,
    "height": 20.5,
    "weight": 580.5

ExcelReader will pass the fields that annotated @ExcelIgnore by.

If column accessId exists in Excel sheet and Product#accessId is still annotated @ExcelIgnore,

the exception will occur because of setting accessId to width (NumberFormatException).

Name the header

@ExcelColumn(name = "PRODUCT_NO")
private long serialNumber;

private String name;


PRODUCT_NO name accessId width depth height weight
10000 Choco cereal 2a60-4973-aec0-685e 0.0 20.5 580.5

If you want to name the header, annotate @ExcelColumn and assign name() you want.

If you want to override ExcelColumn#name() (use header names on this moment), invoke ExcelWriter#options(ExcelWriteStrategy...) with ExcelWriteStrategy.HeaderNames.

List<String> headerNames = Arrays.asList("PRD_NO","NM","ACS_ID","WID","DEP","HEI","WEI"); // 7
// List<String> headerNames = Arrays.asList("PRD_NO","NM","ACS_ID","WID","DEP","HEI"); // 6: Occurs exception.

        .writer(workbook, Product.class)
        .options(new HeaderNames(headerNames))
        .write(out, products);

The result is

10000 Choco cereal 2a60-4973-aec0-685e 0.0 20.5 580.5

If the number of arguments is not equal to the number of targeted fields, ExcelWriter throws exception.

Set the default value

// Default value is effective except primitive type.
@ExcelColumn(name = "WIDTH", defaultValue = "0.0mm")
private Double width;

// Default value is ineffective to primitive type.
@ExcelColumn(name = "Depth", defaultValue = "(empty)")
private double depth;

@ExcelColumn(defaultValue = "0")
private double height;


serialNumber name accessId WIDTH Depth height weight
10000 Choco cereal 2a60-4973-aec0-685e 0.0mm 0.0 20.5 580.5

It's ineffective to assign default value to primitive type, because the field of primitive type is always initialized.

If you want to override ExcelColumn#defaultValue() (use another default value on this moment), invoke ExcelWriter#options(ExcelWriteStrategy...) with option ExcelWriteStrategy.DefaultValue.

Product product = new Product(); // Empty product.
List<Product> products = Collections.singletonList(product);

        .writer(workbook, Product.class)
        .options(new DefaultValue("(empty)"))
        .write(out, products);

The result is

serialNumber name accessId WIDTH Depth height weight
0 (empty) (empty) (empty) 0.0 0.0 (empty)

ExcelWriteStrategy.DefaultValue(String) will be applied to all fields.


If cell value is null or empty string, ExcelReadHandlerConverter parse ExcelColumn#defaultValue() and set it to field.

Specify ExcelColumn#defaultValue() with care. It might not occur exception, when you write, though the default value doesn't match type of that field. It must occur exception, when you read, if the default value doesn't.

If the field that is annotated by @ExcelReadExpression, its default value doesn't work.

Model without the targeted fields

class NoFieldModel {}

class AllIgnoredModel {
    private int number;
    private Character character;


        .writer(workbook, NoFieldModel.class); // Occurs exception.
        .writer(workbook, AllIgnoredModel.class); // Occurs exception.

If you try to write with the class that has no targeted fields, ExcelWriter will throw exception.


List<NoFieldModel> noFieldModels = Javaxcel.newInstance()
        .reader(workbook, NoFieldModel.class); // Occurs exception.
List<AllIgnoredModel> allIgnoredModels = Javaxcel.newInstance()
        .reader(workbook, AllIgnoredModel.class); // Occurs exception.

If you try to write with the class that has no targeted fields, ExcelReader will throw exception.

Model that extends class

class EducationalProduct extends Product {
    private int[] targetAges;
    private String goals;
    private Product related; // Unknown type.
    private LocalDate date;
    private LocalTime time;
    private LocalDateTime dateTime;

// ...

EducationalProduct eduProduct = EducationalProduct.builder()
        .name("Mathematics puzzle toys for kids")
        .goals("Develop intelligence")
        .related(new Product())
List<EducationalProduct> eduProducts = Collections.singletonList(eduProduct);

There is a list that contains a EducationalProduct.


        .writer(workbook, EducationalProduct.class)
        .write(out, list);
targetAges goals related date time dateTime
[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Develop intelligence com.github.javaxcel.Product@4bf558aa 2020-09-13 11:54:26 2020-09-13 11:54:26

It writes the declared own fields, not including the inherited fields.

That's default.

@ExcelModel(includeSuper = true)
class EducationalProduct extends Product { /* ... */ }

If you annotate @ExcelModel and assign true into includeSuper(), it writes including the inherited fields.

The result is

serialNumber name accessId width depth height weight targetAges goals related date time dateTime
10001 Mathematics puzzle toys for kids 1a57-4055-a75b-98e4 18.0 6.0 20.0 340.07 [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Develop intelligence com.github.javaxcel.Product@b1a58a3 2020-09-13 11:54:26 2020-09-13 11:54:26


List<EducationalProduct> eduProducts = Javaxcel.newInstance()
        .reader(workbook, EducationalProduct.class)
    "serialNumber": 10001,
    "name": "Mathematics puzzle toys for kids",
    "accessId": "1a57-4055-a75b-98e4",
    "width": 18.0,
    "depth": 6.0,
    "height": 20.0,
    "weight": 340.07,
    "targetAges": [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
    "goals": "Develop intelligence",
    "related": null, // No handler for this type.
    "date": "2020-09-13",
    "time": "11:54:26",
    "dateTime": "2020-09-13 11:54:26"

To know what types are basically supported, see DefaultExcelTypeHandlerRegistry.

Others are not supported by default, so that the field value will be null (if primitive, will be initial value of that type). You can register handler for unknown types.

  1. Create an instance of ExcelTypeHandlerRegistryImpl.
  2. Make implementations of AbstractExcelTypeHandler.
  3. Add handlers to registry.
  4. Invoke Javaxcel.newInstance(ExcelTypeHandlerRegistry) with your registry.

Format date/time

@ExcelDateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyyMMdd")
private LocalDate date =;

@ExcelDateTimeFormat(pattern = "HH/mm/ss")
private LocalTime time =;

// Default pattern: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
private LocalDateTime dateTime =;


date time dateTime
20200913 11/54/26 2020-09-13 11:54:26

If you want to write formatted value, annotate @ExcelDateTimeFormat and assign pattern() you want. These are supported types by default.

  • java.util.Date
  • java.time.LocalTime
  • java.time.LocalDate
  • java.time.LocalDateTime
  • java.time.ZonedDateTime
  • java.time.OffsetTime
  • java.time.OffsetDateTime


  "date": "2020-09-13",
  "time": "11:54:26.0",
  "dateTime": "2020-09-13T11:54:26.0"

ExcelReader parses them with option ExcelDateTimeFormat#pattern().

Name a Sheet


        .writer(workbook, Product.class)
        .options(new SheetName("Products"))
        .write(out, products);

If you want to name a sheet, add option ExcelWriteStrategy.SheetName.

The default of sheet name is Sheet trailing sheet number according to rule of spreadsheet program.



        .writer(workbook, Product.class)
            new AutoResizedColumns(),
            new HiddenExtraRows(),
            new HiddenExtraColumns(),
            new HeaderStyles(new DefaultHeaderStyleConfig()),
            new BodyStyles(new DefaultBodyStyleConfig())
        .write(out, products);

You can adjust all sheets with option ExcelWriteStrategy.AutoResizedColumns, ExcelWriteStrategy.HiddenExtraRows and ExcelWriteStrategyHiddenExtraColumns.

You can decorate the header with option ExcelWriteStrategy.HeaderStyles and also decorate the body with option ExcelWriteStrategy.BodyStyles.

If the number of arguments is not equal to 1 nor the number of targeted fields, ExcelWriter throws exception.

When you input single argument, ExcelWriter applies it to all columns.

@ExcelModel(headerStyle = DefaultHeaderStyleConfig.class, bodyStyle = DefaultBodyStyleConfig.class)
class Product {

    @ExcelColumn(headerStyle = RedColumnStyleConfig.class)
    private long serialNumber;

    @ExcelColumn(bodyStyle = GrayColumnStyleConfig.class)
    private String name;

    // ...

You can also decorate the header and body with annotations.

Look here for how to configure styles.

ExcelColumn#headerStyle() takes precedence over ExcelModel#headerStyle().

ExcelColumn#bodyStyle() takes precedence over ExcelModel#bodyStyle().

serialNumber will be applied with RedColumnStyleConfig. and DefaultBodyStyleConfig.

name will be applied with DefaultHeaderStyleConfig and GrayColumnStyleConfig.



class Product {
    private long serialNumber;

    private String name;

    @ExcelWriteExpression("#accessId.replaceAll('\\d+', '')")
    private String accessId;

    @ExcelWriteExpression("T(String).valueOf(#width).replaceAll('\\.0+$', '')")
    private Double width;

    @ExcelWriteExpression("#depth + 'cm'")
    private double depth;

    private double height;

    private Double weight;

@ExcelModel(includeSuper = true)
class EducationalProduct extends Product {
    @ExcelWriteExpression("T(java.util.Arrays).stream(#targetAges)" +
            ".boxed()" +
            ".collect(T(" +
            ".toString()" +
            ".replaceAll('[\\[\\]]', '')")
    private int[] targetAges;

    // Fixed value
    private String goals;

    private Product related;

    // Refers other field
    @ExcelWriteExpression("T(java.time.LocalDateTime).of(#date, #time)")
    private LocalDate date;

    private LocalTime time;

    private LocalDateTime dateTime;    
serialNumber name accessId width depth height weight targetAges goals related date time dateTime
10,001 MATHEMATICS PUZZLE TOYS FOR KIDS a--ab-e 18 6.0cm 20.0 341.0 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 none com.github.javaxcel.Product@b1a58a3 2020-09-13T11:54:26.176 11:54:26 2020-09-13 11:54:26

You can pre-process field value with @ExcelWriteExpression before set value into a cell.

The expression language is SpEL(Spring Expression Language).

Look here for more details about this.

If you want to refer the field in an expression, write # and the field name. (e.g. #targetAges)

You can also refer the other fields. We call this as variable.

Field you can refer is only targeted field.

It means you cannot refer the field that is annotated with @ExcelIgnore (or ExcelModel#explicit()).

If type of expression result is not String, the converter will invoke Object#toString().


class Product {
    @ExcelReadExpression("T(Long).parseLong(#serialNumber.replace(',', ''))")
    private long serialNumber;

    @ExcelReadExpression("#name.charAt(0) + #name.substring(1).toLowerCase()")
    private String name;

    @ExcelReadExpression("#accessId.replaceAll('-', '0')")
    private String accessId;

    private Double width;

    // This string will be parsed as double.
    @ExcelReadExpression("#depth.replace('cm', '')")
    private double depth;

    private double height;

    @ExcelReadExpression("T(Double).parseDouble(#weight) - 0.93")
    private Double weight;

@ExcelModel(includeSuper = true)
class EducationalProduct extends Product {
    // Custom converter method
    @ExcelReadExpression("T(com.github.javaxcel.Converter).toPowerIntArray(#targetAges.split(', ')")
    private int[] targetAges;

    // Fixed value
    @ExcelReadExpression("'Develop intelligence'")
    private String goals;

    @ExcelReadExpression("new com.github.javaxcel.Product()")
    private Product related;

    @ExcelReadExpression("T(java.time.LocalDate).parse(#date.substring(0, 10))")
    private LocalDate date;

    private LocalTime time;

    private LocalDateTime dateTime;

// com.github.javaxcel.Converter
public class Converter {
    public static int[] toPowerIntArray(String[] str) {
        return -> i + 1).toArray();
    "serialNumber": 10001,
    "name": "Mathematics puzzle toys for kids",
    "accessId": "a00ab0e",
    "width": 18.0,
    "depth": 6.0,
    "height": 20.0,
    "weight": 340.07,
    "targetAges": [16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81],
    "goals": "Develop intelligence",
    "related": {
      "serialNumber": 0,
      "name": null,
      "accessId": null,
      "width": null,
      "depth": 0.0,
      "height": 0.0,
      "weight": null
    "date": "2020-09-13",
    "time": "11:54:26.0",
    "dateTime": "2020-09-13T11:54:26.0"

You can support not basic supported type with @ExcelReadExpression.

The type of variable is String. It is value in cell.

Enum value constraint


@ExcelColumn(enumDropdown = true)
private java.nio.file.AccessMode accessMode;

@ExcelColumn(enumDropdown = true, dropdownItems = {"days", "hrs", "min", "sec", "ms", "us", "ns"})
private java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit;

If you enable ExcelColumn#enumDropdown() annotated to enum field, this column will have constraint. In other words, this column will have dropdown items as Enum#name().

If you also specify ExcelColumn#dropdownItems() to enum field, this column wll have dropdown items as ExcelColumn#dropdownItems().

        .writer(workbook, Product.class)
        .options(new EnumDropdown())
        .write(out, products);

Even if enumDropdown() is false in ExcelModel or ExcelColumn, you can enable it on this moment with option ExcelWriteStrategy.EnumDropdown.

Limitation of reading rows


List<Product> products = Javaxcel.newInstance()
        .reader(workbook, Product.class)
        .options(new Limit(100))
assert products.size() <= 100;

You can read the Excel file, but not all the rows. Just read with option ExcelReadStrategy.Limit.

Parallel reading


List<Product> products = Javaxcel.newInstance()
        .reader(workbook, Product.class)
        .options(new Parallel())

With option ExcelReadStrategy.Parallel, you can read the Excel file faster than without the option.

Resolution of constructor and method


Default constructor:
class Item {
    private Long id;
    private String title;
    private LocalDateTime createdAt;

ModelReader will resolve the constructor public Item().

Multiple constructors:
class Item {
    private Long id;
    private String title;
    private LocalDateTime createdAt;

    private Item(Long id, String title, LocalDateTime createdAt) { = id;
        this.title = title;
        this.createdAt = createdAt;

    public Item(String title) { = new Random().nextLong();
        this.title = title;
        this.createdAt =;

ModelReader will resolve the constructor private Item(Long, String, LocalDateTime) annotated with @ExcelModelCreator.

Method and constructor(s):
class Item {
    private Long id;
    private String title;
    private LocalDateTime createdAt;

    private Item(Long id, String title, LocalDateTime createdAt) { = id;
        this.title = title;
        this.createdAt = createdAt;

    public static Item from(String title) {
        return new Item(new Random().nextLong(), title,;

ModelReader will resolve the method public static Item from(String) annotated with @ExcelModelCreator.

Parameter rules:
class Item {
    private String id;
    private String title;
    private LocalDateTime createdAt;

    public Item(String $title, LocalDateTime $createdAt) { = String.valueOf(new Random().nextLong());
        this.title = $title;
        this.createdAt = $createdAt;

If the class has multiple field types that are the same, resolver checks if field name and parameter name are the same. If not same, resolver fails to do. You can fix it with this solution when you can't change the parameter name(s).

import com.github.javaxcel.annotation.ExcelModelCreator.FieldName;

public Item(@FieldName("title") String $title, LocalDateTime $createdAt) { = String.valueOf(new Random().nextLong());
    this.title = $title;
    this.createdAt = $createdAt;

Both names of parameter and field whose type is LocalDateTime are different, but their type is unique, so resolver can handle the parameter. The rule of method is also like this.

If you want to know more rules, see AbstractExcelModelExecutableResolver.

Add a handler for custom type

class Item {
    private UUID uuid;
    private String name;
    private Item[] items;

Item is custom class and not supported type by default. You can add a handler for the type.

public class ItemTypeHandler extends AbstractExcelTypeHandler<Item> {

    public ItemTypeHandler() {

    protected String writeInternal(Item value, Object... args) {
        // Convert Item into String.

    public Item read(String value, Object... args) {
        // Convert String into Item.


// ...

ExcelTypeHandlerRegistry registry = new DefaultExcelTypeHandlerRegistry();
registry.add(new ItemTypeHandler());

Javaxcel javaxcel = Javaxcel.newInstance(registry);

If you want to override the supported type by default, just make a handler class for the type and add it to registry.

Support java.util.Map


List<Map<String, Object>> maps = new ArrayList<>();
maps.add(Map.of("serialNumber", 10010, "productName", "Alpha"));
maps.add(Map.of("serialNumber", 10011, "productName", "Beta"));

        .write(out, maps);

The result is

productName serialNumber
Alpha 10010
Beta 10011

The column order is not guaranteed except for java.util.LinkedHashMap. There is option for this issue.

List<String> keyOrders = Arrays.asList("serialNumber", "productName");

        .options(new KeyNames(keyOrders))
        .write(out, maps);

The result is

serialNumber productName
10010 Alpha
10011 Beta

If you rearrange the column order of Map, use option ExcelWriteStrategy.KeyNames. If you want to rename the header names, use that option like this.

List<String> keyOrders = Arrays.asList("serialNumber", "productName");
List<String> newKeyNames = Arrays.asList("SERIAL_NUMBER", "PRODUCT_NAME");

        .options(new KeyNames(keyOrders, newKeyNames))
        .write(out, maps);

The result is

10010 Alpha
10011 Beta


    "SERIAL_NUMBER": "10010",
    "PRODUCT_NAME": "Alpha"
    "SERIAL_NUMBER": "10011",
    "PRODUCT_NAME": "Beta"

If you want to rename the keys of Map, use option ExcelReadStrategy.KeyNames.

List<String> newKeyNames = Arrays.asList("serialNumber", "productName");

        .options(new KeyNames(newKeyNames))

The result is

    "serialNumber": "10010",
    "productName": "Alpha"
    "serialNumber": "10011",
    "productName": "Beta"