If you need marketing support from the Marketing Team you can use the links below to request support, share your ideas, request imagery, etc. You do need a GitHub account, if you don't have one you can create one.
Just a few pointers :
- If you ask support for an event (JoomlaDay, external, JUG meeting,...) please always mention date, location, number of attendees, needed materials
- Try to give us as much information as possible
- If deadlines are applied do not forget to mention them
- Provide links if possible or screenshots/images
Sort | Request Link |
Marketing idea | Suggest Marketing idea |
Event support | Request event support |
Imagery | Request imagery |
Copywriting | Request copywriting |
Other | Any other request |
The aim of this repo is to manage the work of the Marketing Team and promote transparency across all areas of The Joomla! Project.You can also see an overview of requests/tasks and ideas at https://github.com/joomla/joomla-marketing/projects
For more information on the Marketing Team & how to join please visit https://docs.joomla.org/Marketing or https://volunteers.joomla.org/teams/marketing