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Initialize the eap81 Helm Chart
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Signed-off-by: Jeff Mesnil <[email protected]>
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jmesnil committed Nov 20, 2024
1 parent 3991cbd commit 9997d41
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# eap-charts
Helm Charts for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8 (EAP 8)
Helm Charts for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 8.1

## Install Helm Repository for WildFly Charts

Expand All @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ $ helm repo add jboss
"jboss" has been added to your repositories
$ helm search repo jboss
jboss/eap8 1.0.0-beta.0 Build and deploy EAP 8 applications on OpenShift
jboss/eap81 1.0.0-beta.0 Build and deploy EAP 8.1 applications on OpenShift
## EAP8 Charts docs
## EAP 8.1 Charts docs
* A complete documentation of the `eap8` Chart is available in [charts/eap8/](./charts/eap8/
* A complete documentation of the `eap81` Chart is available in [charts/eap81/](./charts/eap81/
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions charts/eap8/Chart.yaml → charts/eap81/Chart.yaml
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@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
apiVersion: v2
name: eap8
description: Build and deploy JBoss EAP 8 applications on OpenShift
name: eap81
description: Build and deploy JBoss EAP 8.1 applications on OpenShift
type: application
version: 1.1.2
appVersion: "8.0"
version: 1.0.0
appVersion: "8.1"
kubeVersion: ">= 1.19.0-0"

Expand All @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ maintainers:
icon: 

annotations: JBoss EAP 8 JBoss EAP 8.1 Red Hat

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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions charts/eap8/ → charts/eap81/
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Helm Chart for EAP 8
# Helm Chart for EAP 8.1

A Helm chart for building and deploying a [JBoss EAP 8]( application on OpenShift.
A Helm chart for building and deploying a [JBoss EAP 8.1]( application on OpenShift.

## Building and Deploying Applications

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ If the application image has been built by another mechanism, you can skip the b
| `build.enabled` | Determines if build-related resources should be created. | `true` | Set this to `false` if you want to deploy a previously built image. Leave this set to `true` if you want to build and deploy a new image. |
| `build.env` | Freeform `env` items | - | [Kubernetes documentation]( These environment variables will be used when the application is _built_. If you need to specify environment variables for the running application, use `deploy.env` instead. |
| `build.images`| Freeform images injected in the source during S2I build | - | [OKD API documentation]( |
| `build.mode` | Determines the mode to build the application image with EAP 8 | `s2i` | Allowed values: `s2i` |
| `build.mode` | Determines the mode to build the application image with EAP 8.1 | `s2i` | Allowed values: `s2i` |
| `build.output.kind`| Determines if the image will be pushed to an `ImageStreamTag` or a `DockerImage` | `ImageStreamTag` | [OKD API documentation]( |
| `build.output.pushSecret` | Name of the push secret | - | The secret must exist in the same namespace or the chart will fail to install - Used only if `build.output.kind` is `DockerImage` |
| `build.pullSecret` | Name of the pull secret | - | The secret must exist in the same namespace or the chart will fail to install - [OKD API documentation]( |
Expand All @@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ If the application image has been built by another mechanism, you can skip the b
| `build.s2i.featurePacks` | List of additional Galleon feature-packs identified by Maven coordinates (`<groupId>:<artifactId>:<version>`) | - | The value can be be either a `string` with a list of comma-separated Maven coordinate or an array where each item is the Maven coordinate of a feature pack - [EAP Documentation]( |
| `build.s2i.channels` | List of Channels identified by Maven coordinates (`<groupId>:<artifactId>`). If featurePacks are configured without any versioning, the channels that provides the latest feature packs can be specified. Deprecated, the recommended way to provision EAP is to use the eap-maven-plugin in the application pom.xml | - | The value can be be either a `string` with a list of comma-separated Maven coordinate or an array where each item is the Maven coordinate of a channel - [EAP Documentation]( |
| `build.s2i.jdk` | JDK Version of the EAP S2I images | `"17"` | Allowed Values: `"17"` |
| `build.s2i.jdk17.builderImage` | EAP S2I Builder image for JDK 17 | `` | [EAP Documentation]( |
| `build.s2i.jdk17.runtimeImage` | EAP S2I Runtime image for JDK 17| `` | [EAP Documentation]( |
| `build.s2i.jdk17.builderImage` | EAP S2I Builder image for JDK 17 | `` | [EAP Documentation]( |
| `build.s2i.jdk17.runtimeImage` | EAP S2I Runtime image for JDK 17| `` | [EAP Documentation]( |
| `build.s2i.kind` | Determines the type of images for S2I Builder and Runtime images (`DockerImage`, `ImageStreamTag` or `ImageStreamImage`) | `DockerImage` | [OKD Documentation]( |
| `build.s2i.runtimeKind` | Determines the type of images for S2I Runtime image (`DockerImage`, `ImageStreamTag` or `ImageStreamImage`) | the value of `build.s2i.kind` | [OKD Documentation](|
| `build.sourceSecret`|Name of the secret containing the credentials to login to Git source reposiory | - | The secret must exist in the same namespace or the chart will fail to install - [OKD documentation]( |
| `build.triggers.genericSecret`| Name of the secret containing the WebHookSecretKey for the Generic Webhook | - | The secret must exist in the same namespace or the chart will fail to install - [OKD documentation]( |
| `build.triggers.githubSecret`| Name of the secret containing the WebHookSecretKey for the GitHub Webhook | - | The secret must exist in the same namespace or the chart will fail to install - [OKD documentation]( |
| `build.uri` | (**required**) Git URI that references your Git repository | | Be sure to specify this to build your own application. |
| `build.uri` | (**required**) Git URI that references your Git repository | | Be sure to specify this to build your own application. |

### Provisioning Jboss EAP With S2I.

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions charts/eap8/values.yaml → charts/eap81/values.yaml
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tag: latest
enabled: true
mode: s2i
buildApplicationImage: true
kind: DockerImage
jdk: "17"
kind: "ImageStreamTag"
triggers: {}
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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions examples/helloworld/README.adoc

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6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions examples/helloworld/helm.yaml

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