Releases: jcabi/jcabi-maven-slf4j
Releases · jcabi/jcabi-maven-slf4j
one access, as before
slf4j-api 2.0 is not supported correctly
slf4j version 2.0
upgrade to slf4j 1.8
See #18, release log:
- 9cd2fbc by @yegor256: #18 version up
- 3adfb8e by @yegor256: #18 rultor
- 7e3ea35 by @yegor256: #18 upgrade to 1.8
- 7307dad by @yegor256: openjdk7 removed
- 0bcfa3a by @yegor256: openjdk8 instead of oracle
- a3b6cca by @yegor256: xcop and est fixed version in ...
- eaee353 by @yegor256: pdd fixed version in Travis
- a774353 by @yegor256: Ruby 2.6.0 in Travis
- 5e81ba6 by @yegor256: HTTPS
- a6dee98 by @yegor256: Location of home repo changed
- 1e9e0bc by @yegor256: EO badge changed
- a383aba by @yegor256: EO badge added
- d4498a4 by @yegor256: HTTPS for Zerocracy link
- 71442be by @yegor256: HTTPS for Zerocracy badge
- a897855 by @yegor256: .github templates
- 7088765 by @yegor256: 0pdd config
- 84c7cd9 by @yegor256: oraclejdk7 removed
- b2154e2 by @yegor256: Merge pull request #13 from va...
- fb1c8f5 by @valery1707: Update URL for Javadoc badge's...
- 7d8197b by @yegor256: removed
- and 88 more...
Released by Rultor 1.70.6, see build log