github-hook-reciever is a simple node.js script to handle github hooks on unix. It can be used to do any tasks, but it is perfect for deploying simple projects.
git clone [email protected]:jdponomarev/node-github-hook.git
github-hook-reciever is configured via json config files. The default config is config/config.json, but you can pass an another config path as an argument. Example: node node-github-hook/index.js /etc/github-hook-config.json
Config contains a port number to run node on and a list of jobs. A Job is a list of tasks with prerequisites. Job defines what to do and when to do.
What is an array of tasks that should be run. Tasks by default are located in tasks/ Task can be a bash script, a js file, or a command. Bash script is a simple bash script. JS task is a node.js module which recieves all the data about the task and the commit, checkout tasks/example_task.js A command is executed if no bash script or .js file found.
You can also pass some addtional data into a task:
CWD is used for overriding the default directory of the task. More options are coming in the following releases.
When decides if the job should be executed or not. Using when you can check all the parameters from the data sent to you by github.
Example: Executing the job only if the pusher name is "jdponomarev".
More complex example: Executing the job only if the pusher name = jdponomarev and repository name is test-repo and branch name is test and commit message contains "backup" and "release"
Currently When can only check if commit has complete equality or contains some fields. In the following releases more features will be added.
By default, node-github-hook runs on port 8005. If your machine is not firewalled then you can simply enter your ip and port on Github configuration page For nginx you can do something like this:
location /githubhook/{
deny all;
And enter on github.
Here is a sample full config file:
"cd /home/www/myproject/ && git checkout master && git reset --hard HEAD && git pull origin master"
I suggest you to run github-hook-reciever using forever. Here is an example on how to do this.
forever start --append -l /var/log/node/github_hook.log -o /var/log/node/github_hook.log -e /var/log/node/github_hook.log -w --watchDirectory /www/node-github-hook/ /www/node-github-hook/index.js