==================== RUN SMT ====================
python smt_main.py input_file
==================== RUN DIMACS SAT ====================
python dpll.py dimacs_file
These files are in the cnf folders and were downloaded from the dimacs website. Solving can take up to 20 seconds on a fast laptop (Intel i7 Ivy Bridge, linux in vmware)
The unsatisfiable instances take around 60 seconds to solve.
==================== SMT FILE FORMAT TL;DR ==================== Check the test_cases directory to see what input looks like
==================== SMT FILE FORMAT ==================== (bool_op (term) [term])
bool_op = (and|or|not|nand|nor|xor|xnor|->)
term = (bool_op (term) [term]) = equation = boolean_var
equation = expression (math_op) expression
math_op = (!=, =, >=, <=, >, <)
expression = arith_term [arith_op expression] = real
arith_op = (+, -)
arith_term = real = [real][*]real_variable
Variables can be of the format [a-z]+[0-9]+ but cannot use the reserved characters (v, q, p, sat)
You do not need to specify if a variable is boolean or real. This is determined from the context.
Math equations may only use addition and subtraction. Multiplication is only allowed between coefficients and variables. E.g.
-3a2 + 4a3 < 8a1 - 2a2
Illegal: a1*a2 < a3
It is legal to do identically true equations like (1 = 1). However idetically false equations like (1 = 2) leads to undefined behavior.