Code repository for the paper Discovery of molybdenum based nitrogen fixation catalysts with genetic algorithms.
To setup an environment for running the GA, activate a conda environment with pip installed and run:
pip install .
Then ensure you have installed xtb
in the environment.
To do a simple GA run, activate the environment and run:
python --scoring_func calculate_score --partition kemi1 --generations 1 --filename data/ligands.smi --debug --population_size 4 --molecules_per_chunk 2 --cpus_per_chunk 2 --sa_screening --CovalentLigands 3 --DativeLigands 1 --opt loose --n_confs 2
A list of possible arguments and their discriptions are seen below:
Arg | Description |
-h or --help |
Prints help message. |
--population_size |
Sets the size of the population pool. |
--n_confs |
Sets how many conformers to generate for each molecule. |
--num_rotatable_bonds |
Set the limit for the number of rotatable bonds for new children. |
--max_size |
Maximum number of heavy atoms allowed in crossover |
--min_size |
Minimum number of heavy atoms allowed in crossover |
--DativeLigands |
Number of dative ligands in each catalyst |
--CovalentLigands |
Number of covalent ligands in each catalyst |
--BidentateLigands |
Number of bidentate ligands in each catalyst |
--molecules_per_chunk |
Parallelization option. How many molecules to put in each SLURM job |
--cpus_per_chunk |
Parallelization option. How many cpus to reserve for each SLURM job |
--memory_per_chunk |
Parallelization option. How much memory per cpu in a SLURM job |
--partition |
Cluster to run on |
--debug |
If set the starting population is a set of 4 small molecules that can run fast locally. Used for debugging. |
--find_connection_point |
Pre-screen ligand candidates for connection points |
--load_from_pickle |
Load starting population from pickle file |
--minimize_score |
Minimize the score obtained from scoring function |
--generations |
How many evolution cycles of the population is performed. |
--n_tries |
Sets how many times the GA is restarted. Can be used to run multiple GA runs in a single submission. |
--scoring_function |
Chose one of the specified scoring functions to run |
--sa_screening |
Decides if synthetic accessibility score is enabled. Highly recommended to turn this on. |
--filename |
Path to the database extract to create starting population. |
--output_dir |
Sets output directory for all files generated during generations. |
--scratch |
Path to put any intermediate scratch files |
--cleanup |
If enabled, all scoring files are removed after scoring. Only the optimized structures and their energies are saved. |
--method |
Which gfn method to use. |
--timeout_min |
How many minutes each slurm job is allowed to run |
--rms_prune |
Pruning value for RDKit conformer embedding |
--energy_cutoff |
Sets energy cutoff on the conformer filtering. |
--opt |
Set optimization convergence criteria for xTB. |
Magnus Strandgaard1
1 Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark. Email: [email protected].