Check out lightnovel crawler for a discord bot instead, or my website using the same technology : http://lncrawler.monster/
It was made in a few days more as a learning project than an actual usable program. I do not guarantee the stability or security of this program. It is still usable but I advise you to use https://github.com/dipu-bd/lightnovel-crawler/ instead.
A Discord bot to easily download ebook of your favorites web and light novel.
Scrap novels from aggregators and let you download them easily through a discord bot.
- Download novel from lightnovelworld and readlightnovel
- Multi-language support for the bot : currently French and English are human-translated and Spanish, Deutsch and Italian are translated by github copilot
- Totally open sources
- Add your own commands simply by creating a .py file in the commands folder following "ping.py"as an exemple
- Upload file using discord or self hosted with flask server (google drive coming soon)
You can try the bot right now using this invitation and start downloading novels. But this is hosted on my raspberrypi on my crappy adsl connection, so don't expect good performance or stability.
.download <*novel> [*-options]
.delete <password> <*novel>
.help <?command>
Exemple :
Use .help to show non-hidden commands Use @LnBotDecorator(hidden=True) to hide command from .help
- Clone the repo
- Install Requirements
- Create a "TOKEN" file next to main.py and paste your discord bot token here
- Choose language, command prefix ... in config.py or keep defaults
- Start main.py
pip install discord.py
pip install EbookLib